Sunday, August 28, 2011

Will Everyone Refuse to Evacuate Next Time?

There were fears that Hurricane Irene was going to do a lot of damage to New Jersey and Long Island, New York, would be as bad as Katrina, perhaps.

So thousands of people were ordered to leave their homes. (And public transportation was shut down, which seemed odd to me. How are people supposed to leave their homes if they can't get a bus or train out of town?)

In any event, the hurricane kept lessening, so that it turned into a tropical storm rather than a hurricane, and supposedly there was no need for most people to have left their homes.

And the weathermen and guvmint is being laughed at for this "non-event."

And I'm thinking. Shouldn't you be thanking either God or your lucky stars (being an atheist, I'd just thank karma) that you've got a home to go back to? Consider it good practice for the next time you have to evacuate - which might be a real emergency, so then you'll be better prepared!

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