Saturday, August 6, 2011

Baseball traditions

I'm watching the Boston Red Sox vs the New York Yankees. Prior to the start of the game, they showed the "benches clearing brawl" that took place yesterday between the Giants and the Phillies.

What happened was, the pitcher hit the batter. The batter threw down his bat, waited a few seconds, then headed for the pitcher. The catcher grabbed hold of him, and the umpire got in front of him.

And that would have been it. Situation defused.

But someone from each team just had to head toward their man, in order to "protect" him from being hit by the other perosn, and no one in that situation can remain on the bench without being hazed by his team mates for refusing to get involved in some stupid scuffle.

So everyone came out. And now that the benches are cleared, the batter apparently decided that with his team behind him, he'd better show that he actually had wanted to attack the pitcher.

MLB needs to make a new rule - just as NBA has done - that anyone who leaves the bench - or the field - during a fight, is banned five or six games. Let the umpires separate the players if they are getting involved in a fight. Everyone else should just stay out of it.

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