Sunday, August 28, 2011

Teenage men in Virginia Beach

There's a video up on Youtube (still up now but may go soon for copyright infringement) of a weatherman in Virgnia Beach, VA talking about how dangerous it is out on the streets and how everyone should stay home for the next day or so.

And while he talks, cars are driving by, and teenage boys - I'd say 18 to 20, actually, so perhaps "young men" is a better term - running past him in their swimsuts. One of whom, dressed in red trunks, pulls them down and then pirouhettes so that we not only see his buttocks but also his penis hanging out.

At least those guys had the courtesy to go behind the weatherman. Within the next few minutes, one guy came by in front of the weatherman, doing some silly little dance that he obviously thought was cool, and then a couple of others just walked past with grins on their faces.

Irene has apparently weakened considerably so that there's every chance that these people did not return to flooded out homes or get knocked over and killed by tree limbs or falling light poles on their way home - which is a pity.

Meantime...some people have died, albeit a mere handful, but property damage is extensive.

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