Sunday, August 7, 2011

Toddlers and Tiaras (reality show)

Oh my god...

I just turned on the TLC channel and I see an obscenity called Todders and Tiaras.

Mothers dress up their toddlers - their toddlers, in other words 2 years old! - in grown-up dresses and show them off like one would do a dressed-up pet dog.

Just saw a clip of a toddler "five years later." Her face was covered with pancake makeup, eyeshadow, lipstick the whole 90 yards, and although we just saw her upper torso, not moving, I'd be willing to bet cash money that when she walked she slinked, grinding her hips from left to right in order to catch the eye of any 6 or 7 year old boy who might be watching and validate her existence by giving her a wolf-whistle or rushing up for a quick feel or kiss.

How incredibly obscene. And shame on the parents for treating their children like showdogs.

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