Sunday, August 28, 2011


It has been the trend for many years - who knows, maybe foreever - that whenever high winds or torrential rain is happening, the weatherman/woman and his crew go out into this deluge and the weatherman is filmed shouting at the camera while meantime trying to hold his balance against the winds.

How stupid is this? First - the guy/gal is saying "everyone stay indoors" while htey are out in the elements.

If people are too stupid to believe someone in a nice cozy weatherroom saying - "The winds are trememndously strong and its very dangerous, stay inside," they will be equally as stupid and unconvinced to see a weather man actually out in the weather saying it.

Then there was the case yesterday - yet another Youtube video - of a weathercaster who was standing by a beach - I think this was in New York rather than Virginia Beach, the waves are pounding him and all of a sudden he's covered in "toxic foam" - as raw sewage starts to wash over him.

If he gets sick, one wonders if he'll sue his TV station for making him do it, and if the practice will now cease.

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