Sunday, September 4, 2011

Beyond Scared Straight - TV reality series

"Scared Straight" is a program where "at risk" teenagers are brought in to prisons where they are harassed by long-term inmates. The hope is that by seeing how truly awful it is in prison, the kids will turn their lives around and embrace a lifestyle where they won't go to jail.

Which is all very well and good... but what is the point in making a TV series out of it?

The series shows these teens being brought to the prisons and bullied.

1. What sane person would want to watch that? Answer - no sane person would, only those who are sadistic and like to watch people being humiliated and frightened.

2. Having cameras follow these kids and cons around surely ads an extra layer of ... unreality... to it, for the kids. (Are these real kids going bad, or are they wanna-be actors who think they can get a foot on a rung of the ladder by playing one of these delinquents?)

In any event, as with so much reality TV, it's utter garbage... and very popular.

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