Sunday, September 18, 2011

Southwest Airlines commercial

I saw this today...think I saw it last night as well...

Some Asian guy goes to Southwest and learns he won't have to pay baggage fees, so he starts dancing like some pro football player who's arrived in the end zone, making a total fool of himself.

Meantime two guys dressed in referee facsimiles go up to some faux airline and make football referee type comments as if they're being penalized while being charged for bags.

Truth to tell - I really dislike seeing these football players who celebrate their TD runs - and sometimes not even that - by dancing and drawing attention to themselves in the end zone. Doesn't matter if their team is losing by 40 points, if they score, they're going to celebrate. And after they finish dancing, they turn and greet their teammates who've been waiting to congratulate them. (How I wish these teammates would just walk away from the glory hog and leave him all alne and never congratulate him, even on the sidelines.)

Then of course there's the defensive guys who will make a stop, then strut away a few yards and do their little schtick. I appreciate that they're just haivng fun but jeez, they're grown men, not children.

And what this teaches youngers watching aobut what constitutes "good" vs "bad" sportsmanship....put it this way, it doesn't teach them good sportsmanship.

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