Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Well...there's eye candy for all at the Olympics

While I bemoan the fact that the women in the beach volleyball are wearing skimpy bikinis while the guys get to wear baggy shirts and long shorts,  there is enough eye candy for the female viewer, turns out.

The guys in the platform diving are wearing skimpily skimpy Speedos.

The gymnasts get to wear shorts over their leotards...and I note that the women gymnasts have extremely high "french cut" leotards showing off more skin....

I dont' mean to sound like the women should all be wearing burqhas...- no reason why they should...

It's just that, for the last ten years or more I've spent a lot of time on sports message boards, and whenever there's an article about a woman athlete, the comments on the message board - if indeed there are any - take two forms;

"I'd do her." in response to some guy saying the athlete doesn't look attractive


"It's women sports. Who cares?"

And I'm sure that those posts are reflective of probably 80% of guys who watch women sports - they do it for the eye candy and that's all.

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