Sunday, July 29, 2012

If you've got it, why shouldn't you flaunt it?

I've long been struck by the different outfits women athletes wear as to male athletes.

Track and field? Women wear halter tops and maxi-bikini bottoms.  Whereas men, while certainly wearing tight fitting clothes, don't show off their flat stomachs or their belly buttons.

Most egregious of all to me was the beach volleyball, where the women wore bikini tops and mini-bikini bottoms (so small that their butt-cheeks hung out over the edge.) Meantime the guys wear shorts hanging to their knees and baggy shirts.

If there was any competitive advantage to wearing tight fitting clothing, you may be sure male beach volleyballers would do so.

Well, yesterday at the Olympics, it was so cold that the American and Australian women wore shirts - but bikini bottoms.

The explanation given by the American women? Too much material would cause chafing.

Yeah... chafing. If that was the case, men, again, wouldn't wear all the extra material of baggy shorts and shirts.

No, these beach volleyballers are tall, slender women, with legs that never quit and small, perky breasts. And they flaunt their appearance - to ensure that men watch.

(I base this opinion on my over ten years reading of sports message boards - usually CBS but a few others. Invariably - invariably, whenever there's an article about a woman athlete, 99% of the responses are along the lines of "I'd do her," and "Her body looks great." or "She's got a big butt" or, if it's the Williams sisters, something offensive about either butts or breasts or facial expression.

Do beautiful women have no problems being viewed only as sex objects? As eye candy? Actresses of course are known for their bulimia and anorexia - and how the tabloids revel in discussing women's weight.... she's either too fat or too thin...she can never win...

I walk into my local Walmart here in Cheyenne, WY. 90% of the people I see, regardless of age, are overweight and have tattoos. The women usually are wearing clothes that are too tight and exacerbate their big bellies and butts, the guys of course follow the style of wearing shorts with their underwear-clad butts hanging out the back, belted below the crotch area, ...

Just saw an ad for the male beach volleyball guys...seems like they're wearing tighter-fitting shirts this year...

And an ad for the women beach volleyballers, turned sideways to show off breasts and butts, I guess...

Ah, well...

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