Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sullivan & Son - sitcom

I've just seen the trailers for it.

The premise is that the lead is Chinese American. Probably the first time an actual Chinese-American has had the lead in a sit com.

The bad? Well...same old humor...apparently his mom is verbally abusive. Of course this is seen as funny, but - here's a tip, a mother who puts you down all the time? That's verbal abuse.

Can't they have any decent, wholesome comedy?

I mean, think back as early as the Dick Van Dyke show. That had verbal abuse in it as well. Morey Amsterdam was always insulting...whatever his name was...the big bald guy. In the real world Amsterdam would have been fired, but in the world of sit-coms, he's tolerated.

Mary Tyler Moore Show? Betty White's character would often spar with Murray Slaughter.

Golden Girls? The mother, Sophie Petrillo, constantly abusing everyone else. In the first episode it was revealed she'd had a stroke that had removed her ability to control what she was saying, but they never referenced that again.

Then there's the abomination of Married...With Children.

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