Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vett *All* Websites

Sean Hannity is a political talk show host. He has a website, on which are discussion forums.

Someone shared the following link:

And stated as a fact that President Obama had signed 923 executive orders in 40 months.

Of course, the other folks on Hannity were a bit more knowledgeable. They pointed out that it was a total untruth, Obma has only signed about 190 Executive Orders.

But people are so desperate to find something about Obmama that will ensure that he loses the next election that they wont' fact check. They see something on the web and they'll share it everywhere as proof instead of doing some research of their own.

Just as print newspapers have agendas, so do *all* websites.

So before you believe as gospel some headline you've read somewhere - whether it's about Obama or Romney, or anyone, vett it yourself.

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