Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Well...there's eye candy for all at the Olympics

While I bemoan the fact that the women in the beach volleyball are wearing skimpy bikinis while the guys get to wear baggy shirts and long shorts,  there is enough eye candy for the female viewer, turns out.

The guys in the platform diving are wearing skimpily skimpy Speedos.

The gymnasts get to wear shorts over their leotards...and I note that the women gymnasts have extremely high "french cut" leotards showing off more skin....

I dont' mean to sound like the women should all be wearing burqhas...- no reason why they should...

It's just that, for the last ten years or more I've spent a lot of time on sports message boards, and whenever there's an article about a woman athlete, the comments on the message board - if indeed there are any - take two forms;

"I'd do her." in response to some guy saying the athlete doesn't look attractive


"It's women sports. Who cares?"

And I'm sure that those posts are reflective of probably 80% of guys who watch women sports - they do it for the eye candy and that's all.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

If you've got it, why shouldn't you flaunt it?

I've long been struck by the different outfits women athletes wear as to male athletes.

Track and field? Women wear halter tops and maxi-bikini bottoms.  Whereas men, while certainly wearing tight fitting clothes, don't show off their flat stomachs or their belly buttons.

Most egregious of all to me was the beach volleyball, where the women wore bikini tops and mini-bikini bottoms (so small that their butt-cheeks hung out over the edge.) Meantime the guys wear shorts hanging to their knees and baggy shirts.

If there was any competitive advantage to wearing tight fitting clothing, you may be sure male beach volleyballers would do so.

Well, yesterday at the Olympics, it was so cold that the American and Australian women wore shirts - but bikini bottoms.

The explanation given by the American women? Too much material would cause chafing.

Yeah... chafing. If that was the case, men, again, wouldn't wear all the extra material of baggy shorts and shirts.

No, these beach volleyballers are tall, slender women, with legs that never quit and small, perky breasts. And they flaunt their appearance - to ensure that men watch.

(I base this opinion on my over ten years reading of sports message boards - usually CBS Sportsline.com but a few others. Invariably - invariably, whenever there's an article about a woman athlete, 99% of the responses are along the lines of "I'd do her," and "Her body looks great." or "She's got a big butt" or, if it's the Williams sisters, something offensive about either butts or breasts or facial expression.

Do beautiful women have no problems being viewed only as sex objects? As eye candy? Actresses of course are known for their bulimia and anorexia - and how the tabloids revel in discussing women's weight.... she's either too fat or too thin...she can never win...

I walk into my local Walmart here in Cheyenne, WY. 90% of the people I see, regardless of age, are overweight and have tattoos. The women usually are wearing clothes that are too tight and exacerbate their big bellies and butts, the guys of course follow the style of wearing shorts with their underwear-clad butts hanging out the back, belted below the crotch area, ...

Just saw an ad for the male beach volleyball guys...seems like they're wearing tighter-fitting shirts this year...

And an ad for the women beach volleyballers, turned sideways to show off breasts and butts, I guess...

Ah, well...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sullivan & Son - sitcom

I've just seen the trailers for it.

The premise is that the lead is Chinese American. Probably the first time an actual Chinese-American has had the lead in a sit com.

The bad? Well...same old humor...apparently his mom is verbally abusive. Of course this is seen as funny, but - here's a tip, a mother who puts you down all the time? That's verbal abuse.

Can't they have any decent, wholesome comedy?

I mean, think back as early as the Dick Van Dyke show. That had verbal abuse in it as well. Morey Amsterdam was always insulting...whatever his name was...the big bald guy. In the real world Amsterdam would have been fired, but in the world of sit-coms, he's tolerated.

Mary Tyler Moore Show? Betty White's character would often spar with Murray Slaughter.

Golden Girls? The mother, Sophie Petrillo, constantly abusing everyone else. In the first episode it was revealed she'd had a stroke that had removed her ability to control what she was saying, but they never referenced that again.

Then there's the abomination of Married...With Children.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cheetohs commercials

I've probably blogged about this before...I find the Cheetohs commercials over the last several years offensive. An animated Cheetah, wearing black sunglasses so we can all see he's COOL, goes around encouraging bad behavior in people, from people putting cheetohs on the tops of cars of rich folk so that birds will come down and peck them - and ruin the car's finish - to construction workers who will do some kind of stupid dance while shutting out their nerdish co-worker

I'm like...why are you glorifying bullying - because that's what these commercials are all about.

The Exes

Whatever happened to sophisticated television comedy?

The Exes, starring lots of people I've never seen before, plus the two folks from Third Rock from the Sun, Kristen Johnson and Wayne Knight. Now...I've never watched the show, all I've seen are trailers, but really...

Kristen Johnson dressed as a ballerina, doing a ballet dance - terribly - and being all proud at the end of it?How stupid is she supposed to be?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

2011 EXterra Triathlon - Guys revealing their belly buttons

NOt a part of Devolution Media. I'm just shocked.

I'm watching the Xterra Triathlon from last year, and I think the three top male finishers were each wearing shirts that revealed their belly buttons.

I think that's the first time I've ever seen that. Women of course have their athletic outfits - at least for on tv, designed with eye candy in mind, but guys, never.

But in this event all the guys (and gals) were wearing muscle shirts that revealed their defined musculature (and quite nice they were, too) and while most had full length shirts, a few, as above, had those that terminated just at the midpoint of the belly button.

I've never participated in anything remotely close to a triathlon, or any other highly skilled athletic event of a similar nature...so I can't say whether those shirts would be comfortable or uncomfortable... I have to admit they would drive me crazy. I don't like cool air on my back, which is what girls (and now, seemingly, a few guys) get when they wear a shirt that ends a few inches above their jeans or slacks or what have you. I've never lied that feeling.

But I guess you can get used to it if you're in to the "fashion" of showing off your belly button, although I admit I've never understood what's so sexy about a woman's belly button. Maybe if its in a flat stomach, but so many girls today do not have flat stomachs, and then it's just gross, surely!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What is up with this fascination for Zombies?

The Walking Dead is a TV series that's been on for two years now, I think... there are books such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. There's even a Geico commercial now that features a Zombie.

I don't even know why people would want to watch this crap.

Why is it so popular?

I suppose teens like it because they can kill people with impunity because they're not really people?  Yet they used to be people, apparently, loved ones, now turned into walking dead. It's rather sick, actually.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Soul Man - BET TV Show

Just saw a brief commercial for Soul Man - it was called something like "best family sitcom."

Family sitcom?

The preacher is formerly an entertainer, who had his share of women, apparently.

And his wife is a large woman who wears the tightest dress imaginable and her breasts look like they're an inch from popping out of their covering... maybe that's why guys will watch the show - to see if they actually do?

It might be funny - I haven't caught an episode yet, all I've seen are the commercials with snippets from the show - but best "family" entertainment? I think not.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Perception - TV Show

I don't know if it really counts as Devolution Media, but it is interesting. Yet again we have a crime solver who is mentally unstable... can we never have a crime solver who is just a normal person - not one with a photographic memory or who is neurotic, ya da ya da.

From Wikipedia:
Dr. Daniel Pierce, a talented but eccentric neuroscientist, is enlisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in solving some of its most complex cases. Dr. Pierce works closely with Special Agent Kate Moretti, a former student who recruited him to work with the Bureau. Also on the team are Max Lewicki, Dr. Pierce's teaching assistant and Natalie Vincent, his best friend.
"Eccentric" would be an understatement based on the TV ads I see, all of which paint him as somewhat delusional, unable to interact with others...

I didn't watch the show - I think it debuted last night, but I just found the concept annoying.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vett *All* Websites

Sean Hannity is a political talk show host. He has a website, on which are discussion forums.

Someone shared the following link:

And stated as a fact that President Obama had signed 923 executive orders in 40 months.

Of course, the other folks on Hannity were a bit more knowledgeable. They pointed out that it was a total untruth, Obma has only signed about 190 Executive Orders.

But people are so desperate to find something about Obmama that will ensure that he loses the next election that they wont' fact check. They see something on the web and they'll share it everywhere as proof instead of doing some research of their own.

Just as print newspapers have agendas, so do *all* websites.

So before you believe as gospel some headline you've read somewhere - whether it's about Obama or Romney, or anyone, vett it yourself.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ridiculousness - TV show

I was channel surfing when I saw this..I think it was on the MTV channel.

Host was Mark Drybek, I think, young white guy wearing a hat and moving his hands and body in the stupid "hip hop" manner.

Three guests - one a woman who was dressed normally, and thus overshadowed by the two guys. One a black guy with a black cloth cap over his head and curly black hair showing from underneath - which he fluffed. Several times!  As if fluffing your hair makes you look cool. Looks stupid when women do it, looks stupider when guys do it.

Then there was a white guy, wearing a ballcap, black sunglasses, and long hair past his shoulders. Looked like an idiot also. (Sunglasses are to be worn outdoors to protect one's eyes from the sun. Why wear them indoors when you can't see? Well, to look "cool" although how wearing black sunglasses inside makes you look cool rather than stupid I do not know.)

Anyway, what these guys were doing were sitting on a couch, while Drybeck or whatever his name was would announce some video in that condescending way that hosts of these shows have, and then they would show some idiot trying to do some stunt that goes wrong - from trying to stand up on your motorcycle and ride it like a surfboard, but of course falling off, to hitting the wrong lever on a 4-wheeler going around a race course and ramming a wall, to some groom picking up his bride to give her a piggy back ride, but falling over.

And the guests - at least the two guys, were laughing uproariously, as if these people making total fools of themselves were the funniest things in the world.

Dumbing down America.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Coming movies

This is the pap we've got coming to our theaters soon:

Here Comes the Boom (2012)
Video: No. 1
A high school biology teacher looks to become a successful mixed-martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to prevent extra-curricular activities from being axed at his cash-strapped school.
Pitch Perfect (2012)
Video: No. 1
Beca, a freshman at Barton University, is cajoled into joining The Bellas, her school's all-girls singing group. Injecting some much needed energy into their repertoire, The Bellas take on their male rivals in a campus competition.
2 Days in New York (2012)
Manhattan couple Marion and Mingus, who each have children from prior relationships, find their comfortable family dynamic jostled by a visit from Marion's relatives.
The Babymakers (2012)
After failing to get his wife pregnant, a guy (Schneider) recruits his pals to steal the deposit he left at a sperm bank years ago.
Anchorman 2 (2013)
Video: Teaser
San Diego's top rated newsman is back; watch the teaser trailer for Anchorman 2.
Hit and Run (2012)
Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road.
Madea's Witness Protection (2012)
Video: No. 2
A Wall Street investment banker who has been set up as the linchpin of his company's mob-backed Ponzi scheme is relocated with his family to Aunt Madea's southern home.
The Campaign (2012)
Video: No. 1
Two North Carolina politicians tangle with one another as they vie for the same Congressional seat.
This Is 40 (2012)
Video: No. 1
A look at the lives of Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) a few years after the events of Knocked Up.
Hope Springs (2012)
Video: No. 1
After thirty years of marriage, a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long counseling session to work on their relationship.