Friday, November 9, 2012

I Am Weasel - cartoon

This is one of the more disgusting of the modern trend in cartoons, presumably meant for teenagers rather than little children.

It's got that awful animation and drawing that is used these days - everyone is drawn horribly with big nostrils and so on.

The lead character is a weasel, and his "nemesis" is I.S. Baboon, complete with red patches on his bottom like actual baboons. In the episode I just watched, a descendant for somebody from Yurp needs to be found - which turns out to be IR Weasel. He sniffs his butt, he eats messily, he burps, etc.

I cannot say how disgusting this is...who watches this? Teenage boys presumably...ones with a 6-year old mentality.

This piece of crap apparently was and is very popular, running from 1999 to 2006! 7 years of this garbage that people actually watched? Talk about the coarsening and dumbing down of America.


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