Thursday, February 16, 2012

"You had sex with me and my father: Who's the baby's father?"

That is the headline I saw for the Maury show as I looked through my TV's Guide channel.

And I'm thinking to myself: Who cares who the baby's father is? Dump the slut who had sex with both you and your dad.

There was another headline a couple of days ago. I can't remember which show it was on - a guy's show whom I didnt recognize, not that that's saying much as I don't watch any of that crap.

But it was some similar headline - my husband had sex with me and my mother, should I divorce him?

And I'm thinking.... Yes. Divorce him, and your slut of a mom, and go live among normal decent people. That is if you can find any.

One wonders these days if you really can.

I mean, a man - or a woman - having an affair with a friend while still married. That's somewhat understandable. But having an affair with a family member - that's downright sick.

And the fact that they even have to ask.... should I stay with this person... that's what scary. Of course you shouldn't. That behavior is unacceptable!

But there are thousands - hundreds of thousands - of men and women who put up with partners cheating with family memmbers, I guess if these crap shows are anything to go buy... it just makes you despair for the human race.

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