Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Bad Corrupts the Good More Easily Than Vice Versa

Many is the story we hear of some fine upstanding individual who goes away to college. They don't drink, don't smoke, and care about their studies.

After a few months of college life they are binge-drinking, smoking like a chimney or doing drugs, and could care less about their studies.

That's because one good person going in amongst a crowd of not-so good people - it's not the good person who influences the druggies to give up their's the druggies who convince the good person that if they want to "fit in" - they've got to "loosen up" and "live."

Most college students get over this phase - although several drop by the wayside.

I was thinking of that yesterday when I heard the news about Whitney Houston. I'd never been much of a fan of hers (my interest in musicians stopped in the 1980s with Styx and so on, these days I listen to soundtracks) but I read a bit about her.

And it seems that everything in her life was fine until she married "bad boy" Bobby Brown. Then she got into drugs, and it was a downward spiral from there, until she finally died yesterday at the age of 48.

All that talent...all that goodness...wasted, because she decided to marry a man whom she could not bring to the "honorable" side. Instead he took her over to his side.

That's why movies like Twilight are so dangerous. I've never seen it, but I know the plot. A human woman loves a vampire, so she wants him to turn her into a vampire so that they can live together forever. In other words, she's a willing instrument of her own corruption.

(Here's a clue, folks, vampires are bad people - Barnabas Collins not withstanding!)

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