Friday, February 3, 2012

Art showing "bodies" in water or under wheels

When I signed on to yahoo with my laptop this morning (as opposed to my PC which I'm using now) there was a link to an article called "Don't panic, it's just art."

The "art" consisted of life-like human dummies lying face down in various public locations - in a shallow stream, underneath the wheels of a car, and so on. There were a few photos of these pieces of "art". And so lifelike were they that people had actually called 911 telling the police that there was a dead body here - or there.

And this is just awful. It's the equivalent of shouting "Fire" in a crowded movie theater. It's not art, it's just causing trouble.

And while it's nice to know that people who see what they think is a dead body will actually call 911, you wonder why they don't actually go to the body to see if they can do anything to help. OR do they just dismiss the body as someone who is drunk?

(This happened in real life in New York last year. Some guy had seen some woman getting mugged, tried to help, and got stabbed for his pains. He lay on the sidewalk underneath a security camera for several hours - and the camera showed people walking right past him, ignoring him. One person even took a photo of his body with their cell phone.)

Having said that...if I saw a body and thought that it was a dead one...I don't know that I'd have the courage to do anything more than call 911 myself. I can't even stand to touch dead squirrels...I couldn't stand to touch a human body to see if it were actually dead...

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