Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Every single media covering the Casey Anthony Trial

The top story at Google News, from ABC News, has this headline: "Casey Anthony Trial: Jury Deliberates as Anticipation Grows"

What anticipation? Faux anticipation. (And no, I'm not making fun of Fox news.)

There has been TV coverage of this trial since its inception - no one cares. (Or ghouls care, same difference.)

Now the jury is deliberating...and I'm sure if there was a way for news media to get their cameras in there, they would. I also have no doubt that a few jurors are planning to write a book about their experience, and I'm sure some other authors are writing books about the case themselves.

And it's just ridiculous. The woman killed her child. Lots of women do (either themselves or by standing idly by while their boyfriend or husband does the deed, either quickly or over a period of time - i.e. constant abuse, either physical or mental).

Just more contribution to the coarsening of America.

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