Friday, July 1, 2011

Captain Morgan Rum (I think) Commercial

I've always found the Captain Morgan Rum commercials offensive, with guys - always guys - doing something stupid and then lifting up one leg as if they were standing on a keg of beer or something.

I saw a commercial yesterday which I'm pretty sure was a Captain Morgan commercial - lots of guys dressed in pirate costume relaxing in a boat with lots of beautiful wenches lying on top of them, then another, smaller boat - same thing, and finally, a very tiny boat, with one man in it, not looking happy, rowing them all toward shore. He is the designated driver.

What message is this commercial sending to kids?

That being a designated driver is not fun. That if you're a designated driver you won't get a woman. That if you're a designated driver you have to do all the work while everyone else gets to enjoy themselves.

That's just a bad message.

What they should have done was have a wench in that single row boat, and each time the rower leans forward to row, the wench gives him a kiss on the lips.

But that didn't occur to 'em.

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