Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Burger King's "Buddies" Commercial

I've seen this commercial a couple of times today - I'm watching CSI Miami on the A&E channel.

There's apparently some new product they are advertising, Burger King buddies. You get two tiny hamburgers for the price of one big one.

How are they advertising this? By having characters humorously steal one of the two hamburgers.

So an older kid points and says, "Look there" and makes off with a hamburger when the younger kid looks.

Two women are sitting on a cement park bench, one pushes off the other's backpack and as the other woman bends down to pick it up, the first woman steals her hamburger.

And so on.

And I'm like...I suppose it looks funny. But apart from the smaller kid who is probably used to being bullied by his sibling, just how would these adults react to someone else, even a friend, stealing their hamburger?

Adults might realize that this commercial is all in fun and no one in real life would do this, but kids? They probably think it's the height of cleverness.

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