Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Maury Povich Show

There are a few of these disgusting shows on TV. I was channel surfing today and saw the headline for the episode for today from this one, "You're 38 and you think I won't find out you're cheating on my daughter."

Well, I can't remember the exact title but it was something like that.

Apparently these shows take place in front of live audiences, and on the show comes the victim, the people she (or he) is accusing, and so on.

And I look at this stuff - very, very briefly - and think - why?

Why would anyone watch the dregs of our country air their dirty laundry in public. What kind of enjoyment is gained from that?

But then there's the people themselves.

"He's cheated on me with my mother and my sister and my daughter. Should I leave him.?"

Why, yes, I think you should. Why is it even up for debate?

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