Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Modern Family Swear Word Show

I've never watched Modern Family and never will watch it. But I read an interesting article today.

They are going to have a "swear word" show. And the producer is "proud and excited" about it.

Apparently, the family is at a wedding, their 2-year old daughter says "Fuck" and the family has to deal with their 2-year old daughter knowing such filthy language.

There's an anti-swearing alliance that doesn't want the episode aired because this little girl says this word (apparently, in reality the actress is instructed to say "fudge", then the program bleeps it out and pretends she's said "fuck." So the girl has not actually learned a swear word.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I think swearing is deplorable. Sure, if you've run your car into a ditch or have had some other disaster of that nature, swearing helps you express your feelings adequately. But most people, from teenagers upward, use swear words as a matter of course in normal conversation - they couldn't say a single cuss-word free sentence if they tried.

So getting upset about an episode of a show in which parents have to deal with finding out how their 2-year old daughter learned a word like that - that seems kind of ridiculous.

For myself, I'm more concerned with the degradation of our culture brought on by the constant emphasis on sex, sex, sex. A 2-year old girl has more to worry about that than about what kind of language she uses, unfortunately.

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