Monday, January 16, 2012

California Milk - commercial

I've seen this for several months now...

Short kid is practicing his baskbetball skills, while his sister is relaxing on a lawn chair doing her fingernails (god forbid she should be reading a book or making a model or doing anything other than being concerned about her appearance).

Next to her is a female cow.

Great big kid comes on the scene, 7 foot tall, with a "full on man beard" - except he's supposed to be the same age as the shrimp playing basketball.

"Wanna go play some video games?" he asks and the little kid agrees.

I don't really know what message California Milk thinks that they're sending, That drinking milk is going to cause you to hit puberty when you're 13? That drinking milk will make you look like a freak, with a "full on man beard." I bet girls wont want to drink it lest it give them breasts to early...oh, wait, maybe they will...

Just a repulsive commercial.

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