Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jenny Craig commercial

Just saw a Jenny Craig commercial... I was switching channels so I don't know what channel it was on...

Some young female singer... her face was familiar but I couldn't tell you her name if my life depended on it ...not Brittany Spears but someone of that ilk...

She wore a black strip of cloth around her breasts -easy to do because she had no breasts, and a black Tarzan-like loincloth around her hips. She had a good body, I'll give her that, flat stomach, small breasts.

Now, this is a weight-loss program. And apparently according to Jenny Craig, the only reason to lose weight is so you'll be attractive to men.

So this teenager is standing there with one hip cocked...and occasionally her upper torso cocked to show off those breasts, and she's singing and running her fingers through her hair and looking, to me, like she's one step away from getting onto a pole and doing some gyrations.

As usual, women and sex are interlinked. There's no other reason for women except to have sex with guys, or provide eye candy to guys. Is it any wonder than that we have this epidemic of young girls having kids out of wedlock - when they're taught since day one that the only reason they're on this planet is to, again, be the eye candy for guys? When they are taught from the time they enter school that they must be attractive to boys, they must have a boyfriend at an early age and of course having a boyfriend means you give him sex. And then of course, the boy leaves to go on to less-pregnant pastures, leaving the girl behind with a child and a welfare check.

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