Saturday, December 3, 2011

Smurfs - movie and commercial

The full-screen ad above showed up whenever I pulled up my Yahoo mail a couple of days ago.

Take a look at it. 3 male smurfs, standing proud and... just there. And the female smurf? One hand primping her hair, her body canted to show off a hip...this is a kid's movie and she's standing in a seductive pose.

Of course the smurfs have always been suspect in that regard. I can remember this show as a teenager, I think. I never watched it, but that was part of the humor, when people would make fun of the show, all these male smurfs, and only one female smurf ever to be seen - what was up with that?

(Well, of course, it's because males, of any species, always have fun, whereas females of any species, are only interested in makeup and looking pretty and attracting someone to have sex with - they never want to run and jump and play!)

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