Monday, May 16, 2011

Pau Gasol and the Tweets ridiculousness

Another "news" story - or I suppose blog story, that was up at CBS Sportsline a few days ago, and which I was unable to share here until too late - i.e., until the story disappeared.

So I'll try to recreate it from memory.

After the Lakers were defeated by the Mavericks, there were stories trying to figure out why. One of the stories was that Pau Gasol had played a lackluster series, because one of his teammates had slept with his wife.

And the story was that the teammate, whose name I'm blanking on, actually tweeted, to his 150,000 subscribers, that he had not slept with Gasol's wife.

And that is just so... unethical. First, to sleep with another person's marriage partner.

Second, to tweet your personal life, that kind of personal life, that you didnt' have sex with someone, to 150,000 people!

But that's what social media has done to the ethics and morals of this country. "Sexting" is the big thing now, where teenage girls will actually take nude photos of themselves (easy to do in this age of digital cameras) and then email them to a boy they'd like to sleep with!

And of course the boy turns around and shares this nude photo with all his friends, and the next day at school all the boys go around to the girl and suggest she come around to their home and "put out". They'll get free sex, she'll get a baby out of it, and they'll all be happy.

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