Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Feeding Frenzy on Osama Bin Laden's Death

A couple nights ago, Presient Obama broke into prime time TV to announce that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in a raid. The news outlets have been going crazy ever since. Indeed, this morning, every five minutes, if I "refresh" my Google News main page, there's a new article on Bin Laden out there.

This is a pain...because five minutes ago I could swear I saw an article that said, "US Changes story on how Bin Laden was killed." I was busy reporting space news and so didn't read the story. I have come back to the page, and the article is gone. Not just way down the page...gone entirely.

I wonder why?

Top Stories

Osama bin Laden »
Globe and M... Man live-tweets bin Laden operation
USA Today - Jon Swartz - ‎May 2, 2011‎
Seven hours before President Obama announced that US forces had launched a fatal assault on bin Laden's compound, a computer programmer in northern Pakistan -- startled by a clattering helicopter in the wee hours Sunday ...

Video: Gaddafi son, grandkids death buried by Bin Laden breaking news RT
Tweeting Osama Chicago Tribune CNET - Wall Street Journal - San Francisco Chronicle - New York Times (blog) - Wikipedia: Death of Osama bin Laden
all 789 news articles »

Osama bin Laden »
Boston Hera... Rethinking Guantanamo After Detainee Info Led to Bin Laden
The Atlantic Wire - Heather Horn - ‎41 minutes ago‎
Suppose we're classifying the controversial Bush administration "harsh interrogation" practices at Guantanamo as "torture.
'Jihad' Jack Thomas welcomes bin Laden death but warns of martyrdom Herald Sun
Bush Advisors Defend Interrogation Practices After bin Laden's Death National Journal Western Front - The Australian - Wall Street Journal
all 103 news articles »

Osama bin Laden »
The Guardia... Bin Laden couldn't change American character
CNN - Bob Greene - ‎18 minutes ago‎
Editor's note: CNN contributor Bob Greene is a bestselling author whose books include "Late Edition: A Love Story" and "Duty: A Father, His Son, and the Man Who Won the War.

Video: Local blog watcher catalogs reaction to bin Laden news WISH TV
Hudson County political leaders react to Osama bin Laden's death The Jersey Journal - NJ.com The Guardian - Los Angeles Times - San Diego Union Tribune - Wikipedia: Reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden
all 116 news articles »

Osama bin Laden »
Reuters Lawmakers Want Answers From Pakistan on Bin Laden Hideaway
Fox News - Anne McGinn, Wendell Goler - ‎35 minutes ago‎
Pressure is building on Capitol Hill to find out whether Pakistani officials knew about Usama bin Laden's location on the outskirts of a military town and withheld that information from Americans for years.

Video: How Osama bin Laden was killed NewsX
Osama bin Laden: US changes account of al-Qaida leader's death The Guardian
CBS News - MiamiHerald.com - msnbc.com - The Star-Ledger - NJ.com - Wikipedia: Reactions to the death of Osama bin Laden
all 54,364 news articles »

Osama bin Laden »
CBC.ca Inside the SEAL team that 'doesn't exist'
msnbc.com - ‎19 minutes ago‎
>> reporter: good morning, matt. you can see behind me the seal training compound. the people inside here politely declined our requests for interviews today, but as the seals are fond of saying, "we are the quiet professionals.

Video: MI former Navy Seal explains process Wood TV8
Navy SEAL Foundation sees donations increase Boston Herald

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