Wednesday, April 13, 2011

YahooNews - gossip, gossip and more gossip

The above screenshot is the type of thing I get greeted with everyday, as soon as I boot up my computer. I suppose there's some setting for this Yahoo News widget that would give me news instead of the gossip that it seems to be set on...

But this article is ridiculous, and more than that, dangerous.

Apparenlty, the Czech president signed a paper with a pen, and then pocketed the pen - in full view of TV cameras.

Oh, horrors! The Czech president is a kleptomaniac! Disgrace for the Czech people!

Of course if you read down to the verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bottom of the article, you get the truth of this non-story. Politicians who show up for these types of signings are given pens and pads, which they are allowed to keep.

But of course how many people are actually going to read the entire article? I'd be willing to bet a million dollars that most people read the headline and form their opinion from that alone. Others may read the first two paragraphs, but I'd bet that more than half don't read the entire article,and as such always get a skewed idea of what is really happening.

This is more than garbage, it's dangerous garbage, because you've got a whole country now thinking that the Czech president is not only a kleptomaniac but also stupid with it... stealing the pen while covered by a gazillion cameras.

oh, please.

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