Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teen Mom - reality TV series

There was an article today about Bristol Palin, who'd been paid $300,000 to appear as a spokesperson to raise awareness about teenage mothers - apparently on the side of saying - don't be a teenage mom.

It is incredible to me that Bristol Palin has any standing at all - she wouldn't if her mother wasn't Sarah Palin, yet people think what she has to say is worth listening to?

Of course, awareness does have to be raised about teenaged moms. Black girls always led the percentages in giving birth to illegitimate kids (at least, since the 1969 "Great Society" experiment, where the government started paying them more welfare for every brat they had so that it was no longer important for a husband to stick around to support his family - the government did it. Never mind that the government did it at the poverty level.)

But today, Latinos and Caucasians are also getting into the act more than ever. White girls, while still a smaller percentage than blacks, increased percentage-wise last year faster than any other group.

And we wonder why the US is bankrupt. Wars we can't afford, half our population living on welfare... scary.

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