Thursday, March 10, 2011

A liker of young girls vs a pedophile

American billionaire Robert Epstein, a friend of Prince Andrews and his divorced wife Fergie, has been convicted of having sex with minors. But although the news reports specify in the text that he had sex with an underage prostitute, not a little girl, the headlines continue to refer to him as a pedophile.

If you read Epstein's bio at Wikipedia, he does not go around kidnapping and assaulting, , or seducing innocent little kids. He has only used prostitutes with the makeup and dress of a woman probably twice her age. (And in the Wikipedia article , apparently all the prostitutes who serviced him had told him that they were over 18.)

So is he a pedophile because he can't tell the difference between a 14 year old made up to look like she's 18, and a 14 year old?

No - a pedophile is someone who likes very young children - innocent children, sans makeup. A hebephiliac is somoene whose sexual interest is in 11-14 year old prepubescents.

And both pedophiles and hebephiliacs are sick, sick people who should not be roaming the streets.

But a man who thinks he's having sex with an 18 year old who is only 14 years old...he may be incredibly stupid to have so many sexual partners - there's some kind of psychological problem there, obviously, but he is not a pedophile and he does not deserve to be on a sexual offender list - since again, he wasn't a predator who went out and kidnapped these girls - they came to him and were paid for their services.

And no, I'm not saying prostitution is not a crime - even if its legal (as in the Netherlands and Las Vegas - it is still a crime against the spirit, and the procurors of these young girls, who must know their correct ages, one assumes, deserve to be sent to jail for a long time... but in this instance, to heap scorn on Prince Andrew and his wife Fergie for accepting a loan from a "pedophile" is just wrong.

Laugh at the guy for having to pay for sex, but don't excoriate him for something he isnt.

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