Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who has more impact on a way a person conducts himself?

Your average joe doesnt' know diddly squat about politics, and doesn't listen to politicians. I'd wager that Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have more listeners than Sarah Palin ever does.

I started this blog because I wanted to document the continuing coarsening of America. It's been going on for years.

You tell me what affects a young guy more. Not listening to some ol' broad on TV spout political stuff, or watching a couple of hours worth of World Wildlife Wresting or whatever it's called, when these humongous guys in swimsuits show off their muscles and strut around, and these days they all seem to play the "bad boy" - and you've got these guys stomping helpless opponents into the mat, breaking chairs over their backs, and so on, while thousands of people in the audience cheer this stuff on.

I would think it would be people who watch that who would be desensitized to violence, or who will react violently to a situation even if it doens't call for it, just because that's what they're used to seeing on TV.

Way back in the 70s, there was a family viewing hour, where violence couldn't be on TV at certain times. I wonder if that is what has changed the TV culture these days (until the reality shows and WWF came in) to what it is now, an obsession with sex.

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