Sunday, August 22, 2010

Miller Lite (commercial)

It's 6.14 pm easitern time, on ESPN, and I've got Sportscenter on.

Just saw a Miller Lite commercial that I've seen a couple of times before. (Unfortunately I had the sound down, so couldn't refresh my memory as to what was being said, but it went something like the following):

Young, handsome man comes up to a bar and asks for a lite beer, but of course doesn't specificy Miller Lite.

The beautiful female bartender looks at him with contempt and says something to the effect that he's a "girl man." He takes his beer and walks away, to reveal he's wearing a thong - although we only see the top part of it, but he plucks twice at his nether regions.

And the beautiful bartender just plumps her bo-toxed lips and smiles.

Problem? Well, on so many levels. A dig at gays, of course - as in only gay men would wear thongs. Or at the very least, effeminate men. Then there's the fact that no one in a service profession should be talking to a customer like that. Finally, of course, do we really have to see a man plucking at his underwear? Anymore than should we get to see a woman doing it? (But of course, if a woman does it, you can bet she won't be wearing any pants, so the guys in the audience can get the whole vicarious look,whereas with a guy, of course he's wearing his pants, all we see is the top of the thong above it.

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