Monday, August 23, 2010

Machete (movie)

There's an old saying, 95% of everything is crap.

That's certainly true with movies. Movie producers, from independents to bigshots, make movies every year and most of them bomb. Of the ones that bomb, most are garbage, and you wonder why in the world someone thought making it was a good idea.

Such is my thought on the movie Machete. They've been showing trailers for it for about a week now. In my Fortress of Attitude blog I'll discuss my annoyance at the sexualization of the female characters - a woman in a black bra walking around with guns hanging off her, please - but here I just want to address the plot of the movie.

Apparently the "hero" is a Mexican American DEA agent who worked under cover for the US - the FBi, the CIA, whatever. He is betrayed and his family is apparently killed, so this guy decides to get his vengeance on the US villains - Robert DeNiro as a senator, etc.

And I'm thinking, is it really necessary to make this movie now, when the country is rife with anger toward those who welcome ILLEGAL aliens and those who don't? Is it really necessary to make the US goverment the villains? Why not make the villains the Mexican and Caribbean drug cartels, that just today decapitated four people and hung their bodies off a bridge? But no... the US is going to be the villain in this piece of garbage.

I'd say it should be boycotted.

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