Friday, June 25, 2010

A Dozen Overweight Men in Mankinis

Apparently this was a photoshoot in London, England for a cellphone advertisement.

Here's my thoughts on the photos.

Replace all these 12 guys with 12 pencil thin, gorgeous models, and none of them will think they look beautiful.

Whereas I'd be willing to bet cash money that every single one of these pot-bellied guys still thinks he looks like God's gift to women.

That's the difference between the sexes...

Thursday, June 24, 2010 (Talk radio host, Republican party)

I generally listen to the Rush LImbaugh show. I have on occasion tried to listen to the Hannity show, but I have to admit his voice gets on my nerves. He always sounds so... I can't think of the word.... but I prefer people who speak calmly.

In any event, a couple of weeks ago Al Gore and his wife Tipper filed for divorce. Or rather, Tipper apparently filed for the divorce. And there was great jubiliation among many Republicans, who thought...oh, some scandal must be responsible for this, something we can turn to our political advantage.

Now there's news that Gore was investigated for "groping" a woman in Oregon, and of course Republican sites (not necessarily Republican sites, but those of private citizens who are Republicans, and various talk show people) are saying, OH, this must be a cover up, why isn't he in jail, and so on.

Now, dont' get me wrong, I'm a Republican - or rather I have Republicnan principals, not something a lot of Republicans have these days, but I really find this salivating and "sharks gathering to feed" distasteful. It's like everything else - wait until all the facts are in until you start making accusations, instead of guessing and posting speculation as fact.

The Hannity website has a message froum, that also makes for interesting reading. It contains both Democrats and Republicans, and its interesting to read their arguments in which none of them are ever convinced by what the other person has to say.

But what is interesting is the deliberate misrepesentations that go on on these message boards. People read a sentence in a news article, and they riff on this until it's a whole big condemnation of Obama and his policies, or of a specific politician, etc. IT's just too funny, but rather scary at the same time.

CA Welfare Recipients Can Get Cash in Casinos

The article beloCw is from Libertarian, and so of course is written with a political slant, but the facts are irrefutable. People who receive welfare - in California at least and doubtless through the US, gamble that money away on casinos, drugs, alcohol, etc.

In a system with ATM cards that was supposed to make it easier to track waste, fraud and abuse, how could this have been going on for 7 years?

My own solution - supposedly the government would know the names in which these cards are issued in. Anyone who has used their welfare benefits to play at a casino, cancel their account. Obviously if they have enough money to waste at a casino they don't need welfare money.

Casino welfare! California recipients Go Wild! with Taxpayer Money
From Eric Dondero:

Seven years in office, and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is just now uncovering a huge scam from the previous administration. In the late 1990s, Democrat Governor Gray Davis instituted a program that would allow welfare recipients to access "Fast Cash," out of ATMs. The ATMs included machines located at the States' numorous Indian-owned Casinos.

The money drawn from the accounts can be used for any purpose: Booze, Black Jack, Concert tickets, 24-hour Buffets, even tipping Cocktail waitresses. There is absolutely no accounting or oversight.

From the LA Times, June 24, "California welfare cards can be used in many casino ATMs":

The cards, provided by the Department of Social Services to help recipients feed and clothe their families, work in automated teller machines at 32 of 58 tribal casinos and 47 of 90 state-licensed poker rooms, the review found.

State officials said Wednesday they were working to determine how much money had been withdrawn from casino ATMs by people using the welfare debit cards.
Schwarzenegger reacts:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who learned of the issue when asked to comment for this story, promised to take immediate action.

"We have instructed our vendors to prohibit these cards from being accepted at ATMs located in casinos and card rooms," Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said Wednesday. "It is reprehensible that anyone would use taxpayer money for anything other than its intended purpose."
Fortunately, this strengthens his hand against Democrat lawmakers screaming about his proposed "drastic" budget cuts to welfare programs. Continuing:

Schwarzenegger had already threatened to eliminate the state welfare program in his May budget proposal, and that was before he and his Republican allies in the Legislature knew that the cash could be accessed by people strolling from poker games to blackjack tables.

"In a time when we have a $19-billion deficit, and we're taking a serious look at the future of many safety-net programs, it's appalling to think that welfare beneficiaries can use their cards in a casino," said Seth Unger, spokesman for the Assembly Republican Caucus.
Meanwhile, Republican for Governor Meg Whitman has made cutting waste, fraud and abuse in California's massive welfare budget a key campaign plank. Also from the LA Times, May 17:

Whitman insisted that the state budget could be brought under control by targeting "waste, fraud and abuse" -- as well as making cuts to social services.
The State currently suffers from a $19.1 Billion deficit

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dairy Queen commercial

I really wonder what advertising people think about.

Witness this commercial. A family is driving down a highway, and the "responsble" ones, the mom and the dad, are leaning out of the car window shouting up at a Dairy Queen truck driver - yeah, way to promote safe driving.

Then, there's a clown in the back seat, tossing cofetti out the window onto the street - that's littering.

The two teenage kids are extremely embarrassed by their parents - of course that is de facto in media these days - the parents are idiots and the kids are always embarrassed by them...

And for what? I love Dairy Queen and everything about that commercial makes me think, Jeez, I don't think I'll be visiting them today.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bones (ep Conman in the Meth Lab)

Okay, this isn't really "devolution media" per se, but I'm watching an episode of Bones entitled Conman in the Meth Lab. The main crux of the episode is that Seeley Booth (David Boreanz) brother, Jared, is an alcoholic, who always turns to Booth for help when he's done something bad - like have an accident. And Booth always sacrifices something of his to get Jared off the hook. And Jared is so grateful that he continues to get drunk and have accidents, knowing his big brother will help him.

But that wasn't really what caught my eye. (Hopefully brothers/sisters going through that will think - gee, maybe I should stop being an enabler.)

No, the interesting thing was an interrogatin between a woman suspect and Booth and Brennan.

"My husband's job barely pays the bills, and we're trying to have another child."

I heard her say that and I just went... what? You're having trouble making ends meet as it is, but you're still going to have another child, so that you can go even deeper in debt? But of course there's always that ol' welfare to rely upon, which is given out regardless of the stupidity of the recipient.

And I just wonder, how many times does this happen in real life? People on welfare have no hesitation in having child after child - they know the government (and our taxes) will keep them from starvation. And of course if you try to point out to them that they have no right to have children that they can't afford on their own - first, they don't understand the concept, and second, they'll say it is interfering with their right as a woman to have a child. (The woman, obviously, saying this.)

For myself, I don't think women these days have a "right" to have a child. Obviously it's an extremely easy thing for most women to do. Get a guy, a total stranger off the street, have some sex, 9 months later you have your baby. If you're lucky you know the name of the father, but of course he'll take no responsibility for raising the tyke, that's the mom's job and the government's responsbility to pay for it.

And it's the media - these TV shows, not necessarily Bones but others that I'll talk about in due course, that encourage people to have these thoughts that living off the income of others is perfectly fine.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Newlywed couple: Officer blocked us from ER during bride's stroke

I support police officers, and in times of crisis if they end up punching someone - even a 17 year old girl - who is disobeying their orders - well, them's the breaks.

But there is no denying that the following story illustrates that there is at least one cop who takes the "letter of the law" way too seriously. And the fact that the story continued to escalate is just ridiculous. Incompetence all the way down the line.

Fortunately (in one sense) the victims of this case of ineptitude appear to be white so they can't cry racism - it's a straight out case of a cop just being incredibly insensitive and stupid. [And other cops will be able to use this in future, "Oh, they just behaved so offensively because they were racist" trials by showing that, no, cops can be just as vicious toward white folks as well.

Many's the cop who will let a driver go with a warning...and this guy found it necessary to follow a couple to the emergency room and give them grief???

One wonders about the selection policy for Chattanooga police officers. Are they trained to know that if someone is suffering a stroke, every second is vital or they will suffer consequences for the rest of their lives?

Newlywed couple: Officer blocked us from ER during bride's stroke

CHATTANOOGA (WRCB) – A patient, believed to be having a stroke, says an officer with the Chattanooga Police Department blocked her husband from taking her to the emergency room at Erlanger Wednesday night.

Aline Wright is a cancer survivor, amputee and a newlywed. Wednesday night she began to show signs she was having a stroke.

"I started feeling some left arm numbness and a facial droop," said Aline.

"It appeared to me that I was probably having a stroke."

That's when her husband of four days, Jesse Wright, put her in the car and rushed her to the Erlanger Medical Center. Wright knows an emergency. He is a nurse technician at Erlanger.

On the way to the hospital, Aline says Jesse treated two red lights like stop signs. He would stop and then proceed if no traffic was coming. After Jesse ran the second stop light one block from Erlanger, the officer turned on the cruiser's blue lights and followed the couple into the emergency room parking lot.

"At that point we figured because we were so close to Erlanger emergency department that the police would be aware that's where we were going," said Aline.

According to Aline, the officer caught up with the couple as they were attempting to enter the emergency room at Erlanger Medical Center. Aline says her husband was carrying her in his arms because she could not walk. According to Aline, the officer blocked the entrance and demanded answers for running the red lights.

"He picks me up in his arms and the officer continues to block the way into the emergency room," said Aline.

"He's standing between Jesse and I, and the emergency room doors."

Aline says eventually the officer allowed them to enter the hospital, but says he didn't stop there.

Aline tells Channel 3 Eyewitness News that once the couple was placed in a hospital room, the officer attempted to enter their room to arrest Jesse for evading the police.

Erlanger medical personnel then turned the officer away, informing him that since Aline could not speak Jesse was needed to answer questions for the doctors.

Thursday morning Erlanger security informed the couple that a warrant for Jesse's arrest had been issued, and suggested he turn himself in. Aline says Jesse went to the Hamilton County Jail to turn himself in that evening. According to Aline, jail employees told Jesse that they had no record of a warrant for him and told him he was free to go.

Jesse returned to his ailing wife's bedside at Erlanger Medical Center.

"I thought it was over," said Aline.

"But apparently it wasn't. I was awakened abruptly by people coming in the room."

On Friday morning the police were back at the hospital. This time Jesse surrendered to Erlanger Security who arrested him on behalf of the Chattanooga Police Department.

Channel 3 had the only crew there as Jesse was released on $7,500 bond, about eight hours after being arrested. He is facing seven charges related to Wednesday night's events, including felony evading arrest. He's due in court on July 9th.

Eyewitness News contacted Chattanooga Police today for their side of the story.

Lt. Kim Noorbergen says the officer was just "doing his job".

The department will not comment further until a formal complaint is filed with the Internal Affairs Department.

Aline Wright says she plans to file a complaint. The couple has already hired an attorney for a possible lawsuit.

An Erlanger spokesperson tells us by law their security guards are obligated to carry out any arrest warrant related to felony charges. The Erlanger spokesperson says once they learned the warrant for Wright's arrest was issued, and they learned he was in the building, they had to arrest him.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just How Dumb Are Americans?

A person who analyzes speeches says that Obama's oil speech a couple of days ago was aimed at a 9th grade education level..... which meant it went over the heads of his target audience.
Language guru: Obama speech too 'professorial' for his target audience

(CNN) -- President Obama's speech on the gulf oil disaster may have gone over the heads of many in his audience, according to an analysis of the 18-minute talk released Wednesday.

Tuesday night's speech from the Oval Office of the White House was written to a 9.8 grade level, said Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. The Austin, Texas-based company analyzes and catalogues trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture.

Though the president used slightly less than four sentences per paragraph, his 19.8 words per sentence "added some difficulty for his target audience," Payack said.

He singled out this sentence from Obama as unfortunate: "That is why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation's best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge -- a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation's secretary of energy."

"A little less professorial, less academic and more ordinary," Payack recommended. "That's the type of phraseology that makes you (appear) aloof and out of touch."
The monitor's chief word analyst found these three sentences insensitive: "Already, this oil spill is the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced. And unlike an earthquake or a hurricane, it is not a single event that does its damage in a matter of minutes or days. The millions of gallons of oil that have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico are more like an epidemic, one that we will be fighting for months and even years."

"You shouldn't be saying that in Katrina land," said Payack, referring to the 2005 hurricane that devastated the Gulf Coast. "New Orleans lost a third of its population; it's still recovering."

But he praised Obama's phrase "oil began spewing" as active and graphic.

At a micro level, the average word in the speech contained 4.5 letters, a bit longer than is typical for the former constitutional law professor, Payack said.

Obama's nearly 10th-grade-level rating was the highest of any of his major speeches and well above the Grade 7.4 of his 2008 "Yes, we can" victory speech, which many consider his best effort, Payack said.

"The scores indicate that this was not Obama at his best, especially when attempting to make an emotional connection to the American people," he added.

On this particular occasion I'm not carping on Obama, but on this language guru. Just how educated does he think Obama's "target audience" is? Speaking to a 9th grade education level is too professorial?

Scary. And even more scary if its true.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Money in Mistressing: Sleeping With Married Celebs Can Mean Millions

The article below is exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to devolution media.

"With the concept of shame out the window and infamy guaranteed by one phone call to US Weekly, the options for the mistresses of Tiger Woods, Jesse James and other high profile philanderers to make bank these days are many."

Exactly right. These women are nothing more than prostitutes who deserve nothing but scorn and contempt (not necessarily because they're sleeping with a married man but because they are very quick to capitalize on it afterward), but instead they are making a million dollars on their 15 minutes of fame.

Where will that money go, one wonders. They certainly won't be spending it on food...perhaps alcohol and drugs, breast implants and plastic surgery...

And of course the saddest thing is not that these women don't realize what scum they are, but that millions of "average" folk around the world will buy their photos, pin them up, and fantsize...

The question of course is, will high-profile millionaires stop cheating with women now that they must know that the women will betray them at the sign of the first dollar? [It is a betrayal, although of course the male in the equation also deserves contempt and scorn for being so stupid...with all the examples of this that have been going on for years, how can men be so stupid to continue to fall into this trap? Well,they'd devolved.

From FoxNews:

They use a mattress as a springboard to fame and fortune.

With the concept of shame out the window and infamy guaranteed by one phone call to US Weekly, the options for the mistresses of Tiger Woods, Jesse James and other high profile philanderers to make bank these days are many. Some participate in cash prize beauty pageants, some sell their stories, text messages and pictures to magazines and television outlets, and some, like porn stars Holly Sampson and Joslyn James, have used the scandal to reinvent their careers in stripping and porn.

"[A sex] scandal provides a short term spike in interest and these mistresses would have to be crazy not to try to capitalize on it. Their fame and fortune may not be enduring but if they can turn 15 minutes of fame into a year of income, they can walk away with about a million dollars," explains Nelson Gayton, executive director of the Center for Management of Enterprise in Media, Entertainment & Sports at UCLA's Anderson School of Management. "There is money to be made here so we are certainly not going to see less of this going forward."

Indeed the growing supply of women telling tales of sleeping with married celebs has yet to outstrip demand.

"America is fascinated with the mistress right now. They have become a commodity. We don't see them as names, just as juicy stories that can give us some insight into the character of the celebrity they slept with," explains "Cult of Celebrity" author Cooper Lawrence. "As long as there is an appetite for them and what they represent then we will see more people paying more money for them to do things."


Celebrity Mistresses Cashing In

Mistresses are going on tour!

Since Michelle "Bombshell" McGee came forward on March 17, two other tattooed ladies have emerged claiming sexual relationships with Sandra Bullock's husband.

Tiger's alleged mistresses include porn stars, pancake waitresses, bikini models and nightclub hostesses. And they're still coming! Porn star Devon James is the latest to admit to a Tiger tryst.

Related Links
Fox411 Exclusive: Inside the Anything-Goes World of Celebrity VIP Hosts
Meet Jesse James' Self-Proclaimed Mistress: An Amish Med-School Student and Fetish Stripper Mom Sampson and James joined forces this week with Jesse James' alleged mistress Melissa Smith to make an appearance at the "eXXXtacy 2010" adult film convention in Chicago July 16-18. Joslyn's manager Gina Rodriguez, herself a self-proclaimed mistress of actor David Boreanaz, is hoping to book the women at various conventions and strip clubs across the country for a kind of traveling mistress minstrel show that could translate into fees of $10,000 per girl per appearance.

Rodriguez told that she's also in the process of shopping a reality television show for the three girls, herself and January Gessert, the woman who reportedly came between Reggie Bush and his one-time reality television love Kim Kardashian. The reality show would pay the women $3,000 - $5,000 per episode.

While Sampson, James and Smith are collecting smaller payments here and there, some mistresses find it more lucrative to make a large chunk of change all at once by posing for Playboy. This option is available only to the very high profile mistresses, like Ashley Dupre, the call girl who brought down New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Dupre posed nude in the May issue of the magazine. Playboy also made an offer to Rachel Uchitel, mistress number one in the Tiger Woods scandal, who will appear in the magazine in an upcoming issue.

There has been speculation that these women were paid up to $1 million to pose. While Playboy never confirms the amount it pays women to pose, it does say that the numbers floated in the media are an exaggeration. Insiders say that Dupre and Uchitel were paid closer to the range of $100,000 to $300,000 to pose nude for the magazine.

Uchitel, who increased the value of her brand by remaining mum throughout the Woods scandal (and reportedly got millions from Woods for keeping quiet), also received a fee for working as a correspondent for the entertainment news show "Extra."

But its not just the women making money from their bad behavior. The online dating company Ashley, a website that distinguishes itself from traditional online dating fare by encouraging married people to cheat, has been at the forefront of capitalizing on the mistress market.

Ashley Madison CEO Noel Biderman fronted the cash for radio shock jock Howard Stern's "mistress beauty pageant." Three of Tiger's mistresses, Jaimee Grubbs, Loredana Jolie and Jaime Jungers competed for the total cash prize of $100,000. The winner, Jungers, got $75,000 as well as a black diamond ring from Stephen Singer Jewelers valued at $25,000. The runner-up, Grubbs, received $15,000. Grubbs had previously been paid $10,000 for selling text messages between her and Woods to US Weekly magazine.

Even the woman in last place, former escort Jolie, received $10,000 from the Stern beauty pageant.

The investment paid off so well for Biderman -- the site saw a 22 percent increase in revenue and a 27 percent increase in signups -- he later enlisted the help of the woman who ruined Sandra Bullock's marriage, Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, for a summer advertising campaign. The tattoo-covered McGee struck a deal between $1,000 and $1,500 and a cut of the site's increased revenue to strip in commercials for the website.

"From our perspective, there were three people involved in this affair, and the one who is least accountable for the demise of Sandra and Jesse’s marriage is Michelle. It’s called accountability, and it is sorely lacking in the coverage of this story to date," Biderman explained to Fox about his reasons for bringing McGee on board.

As long as they keep generating publicity and sales for his brand, Biderman says the mistresses will always have a home with Ashley Madison. And as long as the general public is interested in cheating celebrities, Biderman should have plenty of mistresses to choose from.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reality TV series - any and all of them

But I'll start with the upcoming "Adventures in Sunderland."

I confess it, I hadn't done my research properly on this one. I'd assumed Abby Sutherland wanted to sail around the world because she was an adventurous girl, aided and abetted by wealthy parents.

Not so. Her father - who has homeschooled his 7 kids - is bankrupt and has sold his life and family as a reality series.

Here's a dose of reality.

The father of teen sailor Abby Sunderland told The Post yesterday that he's broke and had signed a contract to do a reality show, "Adventures in Sunderland," about his family of daredevil kids weeks after she set off on her doomed and dangerous solo sail around the globe.

Laurence Sunderland, a sailing instructor who lives in the middle-class Los Angeles suburb of Thousand Oaks with his pregnant wife and seven kids, opened their home to film crews four months ago.

"The show might be about family, it might be about Abigail's trip. It's something that was shopped around," he said.

CUT OF HIS JIB: Laurence Sunderland with kids (from l.) Lydia, Katherine, Toby, Zac and Jessie yesterday. Daughter Abby is aboard the ship that retrieved her from her battered sailboat.
Photos: Solo-sail girl Abby Sunderland


Abby, 16, set sail last January, but got stranded in the Indian Ocean last week after storms smashed the mast of her sailboat, Wild Eyes, knocking out satellite-phone reception. The near-disaster triggered a frantic international rescue effort.

The solo voyage ran into heavy criticism for its high risk and the allegedly poor planning that put Abby in the treacherous Indian Ocean right in the middle of storm season.

Yesterday, she remained aboard the French vessel that rescued her, according to the ship's captain, and was making her slow voyage home.

The boat, Ile de la Reunion, is scheduled to transfer the teen to another ship tonight. It will take her about a week to get to land, the captain said.

Standing in the driveway outside his home, Sunderland explained the theme he envisioned for the show.

"We thought it might be a good idea if it was encouraging to kids to get out there and do things," he said. Sunderland said he didn't initially get many bites.

But Magnetic Entertainment of Studio City, Calif., is already promoting "Adventures in Sunderland" and "Abby's Journey," a documentary, on its Web site.

The studio didn't reply to e-mails and calls for comment yesterday.

Sunderland insists Abby's trip wasn't just a stunt.

The reality show was, he said, "the last thing on my mind.

"The wheels in motion for this trip had actually started when Abigail was 13 years old," he added.

Sunderland also defended his decision to let his daughter take the risky journey.

"I love my daughter dearly," he said. "I love the passion of sailing dearly, and this was about Abigail following her dream. She followed the criteria that I had set out, and met all the requirements to embark on this trip."

Yesterday, Abby blogged that she was undaunted by her misadventure, and was considering writing a book.

She called her wild ride on Wild Eyes "the best thing I have ever done or been through and I don't ever want to forget all the great times . . . or the bad ones for that matter."

The large family has long been a curiosity in the community, neighbors said. All seven children are home-schooled.

"They rarely leave their house, and they rarely talk to neighbors," local resident Brian Gonzales said.

Additional reporting by Ginger Adams Otis

Read more:

Yahoo News (Internet News)

Although Google is my homepage of choice, I have Yahoo messenger, and as such, when I log into my computer each day, I am treated to a screen full of Yahoo News.

The most trivial, most unimportant news, all focused on gossip of the actors of the day.

For example, today I was informed that Catherine Zeta-Jones had tripped over her dress while getting on stage for the Tonys. Did I really need to know this? Did anybody really need to know this?

But that is the kind of crap Yahoonews presents us with. I've seen the earth-shattering news that two actresses showed up at the same event with the same dress, that one actress did her own dress alterations by borrowing a scissors and cutting away, and so on.

This is not the level of reporting that even gossip reporters should descend to. I'm sure there will soon come a day when we're told how many times a particular actor goes to the bathroom.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hallmark Card Should Be Pulled, But Not Because It's Racist

In a decade and country where political correctness has run amok, the latest example is the NAACP of Los Angeles demanding that Hallmark remove a SPACE-THEMED graduation card from the stores because the voice that says "black hole" pronounces it, to their ears, like "black ho" and of course, that is racist.

Now, having listened to the card, I have to agree that it should have been pulled, not because it was racist, because of course it isn't, but because it is just stupid. I thought I was listening to a card for kindergarten kids graduating to go into first grade, not 18 year old kids graduating and ready to go to college. Embarrassing!

Here is what two black women - members of the NAACP - had to say about the card:
But Verrett and others said Hallmark should issue a formal apology to African-Americans. They also said they found the card in Hallmark stores in Redondo Beach and on the Palos Verdes Peninsula as recently as last week.

Councilwoman Lula Davis-Holmes, who is an NAACP member, said she will probably vote in support of the resolution on Tuesday.

"I'm insulted in the first place because we, as black women, cannot be victimized if, in fact, it says `ho,"' she said. "I think Hallmark owes an apology. If there's an inkling of a doubt, it should be dealt with. People are outraged."

People are certainly outraged....that Hallmark has even destroyed this card.

What about the millions of black rap musicians who call black women hos on a regular basis? Shouldn't these black women's rage be directed towards them, or to the 70% of black women who give birth to illegitimate babies because they want money for the child but don't want the man responsible for that child?

But, as Eric Holder has said, white people in America are afraid to talk race. Hallmark was afraid to tell these people that the card was not racist and they were just being stupid, and so their cult of victimhood is allowed to continue - never mind that it is their own black males who are victimizing them, not greeting cards aimed at kids who have actually managed to graduate from high school.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Breaking Bad (TV Series)

Meth -heads

I don't watch a lot of first run television - I prefer the more moral shows of the 60s, 70s and 80s... so I'd never heard of Breaking Bad before until I came across it at Wikipedia while doing an unrelated search.

It has got to be one of the most disgusting TV shows ever filmed. And worse - it's had three seasons.

Here's the plot:
Breaking Bad is an American television drama series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The series is produced by Sony Pictures Television and broadcast in the United States and Canada on the cable channel AMC. It premiered on January 20, 2008, and completed its first seven-episode season on March 9, 2008. The show's 13-episode second season ran from March 8 to May 31, 2009. The third season began on March 21, 2010.

Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He breaks down and turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) in a desire to secure his family's financial future.

Breaking Bad has received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for its writing as well as Bryan Cranston's and Aaron Paul's performances, and has won four Emmy Awards in addition to numerous other awards and nominations.

So the lead character of this show, the hero, is a man who creates and sells methanphetamine, a drug that ruins people's lives? And we're supposed to feel sorry for him, and hope he succeeds because, after all, all he's trying to do is provide financial freedom for his family after he dies!

Talk about blurring the lines of morality, this show rubs them out.

And yet, if Wikipedia is to be believed, this show is popular, and has been praised in mainstream media:
Breaking Bad has received critical acclaim in addition to two Emmy Awards for its first season. It won the award for best editing, and Bryan Cranston won for best actor in a drama series.[13] Breaking Bad in 2008 also won a Peabody Award for excellence in television broadcasting.[14]

Linda Stasi of the New York Post stated "the acting is as good as you'll see on TV." Time said the series "has the elements of success".[15] Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly rated season one a "B+".[16]

The second season opener was watched by 1.7 million people, up 21% from the previous season.[17]

The second season received Emmy nominations for Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Bryan Cranston) and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Aaron Paul). Cranston won for Outstanding Lead Actor.[18]

The third season premiere was the highest rated episode in the series' history; having been watched by 2 million viewers, with an additional 1.1 million watching while the episode was re-aired later on the premiere night

One wonders if real-life "meth heads" are shown in this program, to show its fascinated viewers exactly what the lead character's meth does to people?

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

Anyone who studies history learns, to their dismay, that this is true.

This is an article from 2008, about Chuuk Lagoon (formerly called Truk Lagoon)

Scientists affiliated with Earthwatch have uncovered signs of an oil leak in Chuuk (formerly known as Truk) Lagoon, a popular dive destination in Micronesia.
Earthwatch volunteers and scientists, who are conducting the first-ever comprehensive survey of the area, recently discovered a long oil slick coming from the sunken oil tanker Hoyo Maru and a smaller surface slick originating from the Rio de Janeiro Maru, a former passenger vessel that was converted to a submarine tender (support ship for submarines) by the Japanese navy during World War II.

There are 52 documented World War II shipwrecks and three oil tankers found in Chuuk Lagoon, with an estimated 32,000,000 litres of oil still secured inside. Dynamite fishing practices, storms and human activities (such as irresponsible anchoring) are destabilizing some of the wrecks, increasing the chances of an oil spill.

"This could have a devastating effect on the marine environment and negatively impact Chuuk's tourist industry," said Dr. Bill Jeffery from James Cook University, who leads the Earthwatch research project. "Some areas of mangroves that provide breeding grounds for many fish species could be completely decimated."

"There is reason to believe that Hoyo Maru is leaking from her bunker, which means there could be a lot more oil left to spill. We're hoping that Japanese historians can help us to determine if she went down with a full tank so we can estimate the full scale of the threat," Jeffery said.

The coral encrusted wrecks attract a diverse array of marine life, including manta-rays, turtles, sharks and corals. In 2007, 266 species of reef fish were recorded by the Earthwatch teams and in 2006 the rare coral Acropora pichoni was identified. (It had never been found at this depth (18 metres) or on an artificial reef before.)

A report from Dr. Jeffery has been submitted to the Chuuk State Department of Marine Resources and the Chuuk Historic Preservation Office who will liaise with the South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) to investigate how the oil pollution can be addressed. Earthwatch dive teams will return in November to continue their assessment into the ecological values of the site.

Chuuk, an island area formerly known as 'Truk', is part of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), found in the central Caroline Islands of the Western Pacific. During World War II, Chuuk Lagoon was bombed for over 18 months by the Allied forces and was considered a potential target for an atomic attack. The waters became a graveyard for the Japanese sailors and pilots killed in ships and aircraft.

"Dynamite fishing practices" is the key phrase here.

People who make their living via fishing would, you'd think, be very careful of the habitat, protecting it from all home. But in many islands around the world, people, as they have done for 4,000 years, typically seek the easy way to do work. Rather than using nets or fishing poles to catch fish, they explode dynamite underwater, which stuns thousands of fish and brings them to the surface, for easy pickings.

But, of course, the dynamite also damages reefs, and as we see here, the 52 oil-and-gas filled ships on the floor of the lagoon.

Do you think "dynamite fishing" has stopped in the face of these revelations? If so, how little you know human nature. It won't stop until the last fish are dead, and then the people will whine, "Where have all the fish gone! Foreigners have come in here and stolen all our fish!"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Inexcusable News From Arlington

There is an old cliche, "Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms."

In the year 2010, screwups by the US military - or indeed, the military of any civilized country, is absolutely intolerable. But... the very nature of the US military is incompetent. People who don't do their jobs well can't be fired, after all...

Anyway, the Arlington debacle:

Army: Bodies misidentified, misplaced at Arlington

WASHINGTON – An Army investigation has found that potentially hundreds of remains at Arlington National Cemetery have been misidentified or misplaced, in a scandal marring the reputation of the nation's pre-eminent burial ground for its honored dead since the Civil War.

Army Secretary John McHugh announced Thursday that the cemetery's two civilian leaders would be forced to step aside, and he appointed a new chief to conduct a more thorough investigation to examine the graves and sort out the mix-up.

"I deeply apologize to the families of the honored fallen resting in that hallowed ground who may now question the care afforded to their loved ones," McHugh told a Pentagon news conference.

Arlington National Cemetery is considered among the nation's most hallowed burial sites, with more than 300,000 people buried there with military honors. An average of 30 funerals are conducted there every day.

Among those buried at the cemetery are troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well service members from past conflicts dating back to the Civil War.

Famous presidents and their spouses, including members of the Kennedy family, also have been buried there. The cemetery, located across the Potomac River from Washington in northern Virginia, attracts more than 4 million visitors annually.

An Army investigation was launched last year after reports of employee misconduct, first reported by the Web site

Led by the service's inspector general, Lt. Gen. Steven Whitcomb, the investigation found lax management of the cemetery, where employees relied on paper records to manage the dozens of burials each week and maintain the thousands of existing gravesites.

Whitcomb said at least 211 remains were identified as potentially mislabeled or misplaced and that there could be more.

"We found nothing that was intentional, criminal intent or intended sloppiness that caused this. ... But of all the things in the world, we see this as a zero defect operation," he told reporters Thursday.

Whitcomb could not say how old the mixed-up remains might be or from what conflict, saying only that the problem had been confined to three areas of the cemetery known as sections 59, 65 and 66.

Whitcomb said he did find two cases of mis-marked graves in section 60, the area for veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. He said those mistakes had been corrected.

Dorothy Nolte, 68, of Burns, Tenn., said she learned last year that the remains of her sister, Air Force Master Sgt. Marion Grabe, who had been buried at Arlington in March 2008, had been moved to a new grave site. Nolte said she went to Arlington to find out that her sister's urn had been buried on top of another soldier, but then it was disinterred and moved to another grave site. She said she had not been informed of the transfer.

"I made them unearth the urn so I could see the name," Nolte said in a phone interview Thursday from New York. "I have peace knowing my sister is indeed in the right place."

As for the Army investigation, "I think that it's a good thing that the truth is coming out, and it's certainly a situation that needs to be rectified," she said.

Separately, the Army is investigating whether the cemetery's deputy superintendent, Thurman Higginbotham, made false statements to service investigators. Higginbotham, who ran the day-to-day operations at the cemetery, has been accused by former employees of creating a hostile work environment and breaking into their e-mail systems.

Higginbotham is on administrative leave, pending further review.

According to a defense official familiar with the case, who discussed the details on condition of anonymity, Higginbotham won't face criminal charges because of a lack of evidence. But, the official said, the Army will ensure he never works at the cemetery again.

The official wasn't authorized to speak publicly about the case because it is ongoing.

Higgenbotham's boss, John Metzler, is set to retire on July 2. Service officials say he is being pushed out with a letter of reprimand that blames him for failing to rein in Higginbotham's mistakes.

Taking their place will be Kathryn Condon, a former civilian head of Army Materiel Command who as executive director will in charge of fixing any burial errors. Patrick Hallinan, a director with the Veterans Affairs Department, is temporarily being assigned as the cemetery's superintendent.

McHugh also announced the creation of an independent advisory commission that will be led by former senators and Army veterans Max Cleland and Bob Dole.

Family members with questions are urged to call the cemetery at 703-607-8000.

Devolution Politicians

We, Americans, vote politicians into office, and when they turn out to be corrupt, we continue to re-elect them!

Below is an editorial from the Washington Times:

EDITORIAL: Obama team honors Walpin-gate transgressor
From disgrace to embrace for former NBA star

Only in the Obama administration would a public official sanctioned for a form of malfeasance be honored as a speaker by the same organization that sanctioned him. It helps, of course, when he is a self-proclaimed Friend of the First Couple. It also doesn't hurt that the administration already found it politically convenient to fire the inspector general, Gerald Walpin, who blew the whistle on his misdeeds.

Still, the public should consider it a brazen affront for this administration to feature Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson as a key speaker at a major conference sponsored later this month by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Common decency should disallow such a scandal.

On the grounds of image alone, Mr. Johnson sends the wrong message, considering that four different young women or teenage girls have accused Mr. Johnson of inappropriate sexual conduct. Three of the four were actually affiliated with the very institution, the St. Hope Academy, that was sponsored through CNCS grants. (CNCS is the parent body for the AmeriCorps national "volunteering" program.) In none of the cases were charges ever pressed, but one of the students said she was offered $1,000 per month in exchange for her silence, and two staff members resigned from St. Hope to protest how the academy tried (in the words of one of them) to "intimidate the student*." And in the first instance, in the summer of 1995, Mr. Johnson at one point agreed to pay the girl $230,000, according to the Sacramento Bee, after protesting that he "didn't recall us being a hundred percent naked" during the incident.

The sordid sex allegations weren't even what caused Mr. Johnson, a former National Basketball Association star, to be sanctioned. Instead, he was found responsible for multiple financial misdeeds and ordered personally to help St. Hope repay nearly half a million dollars to AmeriCorps. Specifically, investigators found that Mr. Johnson and St. Hope misused federal funds to assign political projects to AmeriCorps workers; to have them run personal errands for Mr. Johnson, wash his car and drive him to personal appointments; to pay staff salaries at St. Hope from funds meant for AmeriCorps grantees; and several other similar improprieties.

Despite such flagrant abuse of CNCS programs, CNCS has invited this man to be a featured speaker at the June 28-30 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, which is advertised as "the world's largest gathering of volunteer and service leaders from the nonprofit, government and corporate sectors." Such an over-the-top level of inappropriateness is flabbergasting even for the O Force.

Throw in the unseemly sexual charges against Mr. Johnson, even if they were never prosecuted as crimes, and what you see is not somebody who should be giving lectures, but who should instead be lectured. For the new Obama AmeriCorps to honor him shows how little this administration understands real honor.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Will and Grace (sitcom)

This is, really, one of the more disgusting sitcoms out there - and its sad that it's so popular.

Don't misunderstand, I have nothing against the depiction of gays in mainstream media. More power to them. But real gays have often dismissed this sitcom as a "minstrel" show - it is hardly represenative of real gays, or at least, the average gay.

All of the people on this show are amoral and immoral.

Originally it was just the two comedic foils - the self-obsessed and absorbed Jack and the self-obsessed and absorbed,and alcoholic and prescription-drug addictioned Karen. Each one of them, in real life, shouldn't have friends at all, but in the world of Will and Grace they are given prominence. Jack doesn't work, so his best friend WIll supports him, and his lifestyle where apparenlty he has a new gay guy every night. Karen will sleep with anyone who catches her fancy, and ignores her two stepchildren.

By the end of the series, it turns out Will and Grace are just as immoral. Grace, indeed, is perhaps the most reprehensible character of them all. She goes to what she thinks is her husband's cabin (he's out of town), only to find $10,000 hidden under the matress. She thinks he's hiding it from her - so she goes out and spends it all. This is supposed to be funny? Of course it turns out she had walked into the wrong cabin, and spent someone else's life savings in a fit of pique. Of course we never see how this turns out - does she then steal $10,000 from her hubby's joint savings or checking account to pay off this debt, or does she pay it off herself?

I could give other examples of the utter lack of morality on this show.

But, of course, the problem is it is funny. Seductively funny. The immoral Jack and Karen get the most laughs, and indeed, were the most popular characters on the show. That's sad.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Modern Warfare (Commercial for video game)

I *think* the title of the video game was Modern Warfare... some kind of warfare, anyway.

The commercial - had nothing to do with it. The actor who had played Mr. Pitt a few times on Seinfeld is sitting in a chair, looking really old, saying disapprovingly, "Everyone's doing it. Boys are doing it, girls are doing it. Girls are doing it with each other...." and on and on and on.

Each time with an emphasis on the phrase "doing it" which normally means, having sex.

On this occasion, apparently, it was "playing Modern Warfare."

Kind of a stupid commercial, and I don't see how any teens seeing it are going to be moved to try out the game, unless they have the kinds of brains that think, "well, maybe because he says they're "doing it" in the commercial, it means it's possible to have sex in the game," and I doubt if they'd think that...

Just a dumb commercial on so many levels.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Police say Packer player accused of sexual assault (News article)

In the age of the internet, news is instantaneous. So every news media tries to get scoops over every other type of media. And when they can't get a scoop, they manufacture one.

Reporting has gone out the window, and gossip-mongering has taken its place.

Here's an article published yesterday at

Police say Packer player accused of sexual assault
LAKE DELTON, Wis. -- Authorities in a south-central Wisconsin community say a Green Bay Packers player is being investigated for an alleged sexual assault of two women early Saturday.

Lake Delton police have not released the player's name. They say he was released after being interviewed at a condo where he and six other players were staying and where the women allege the assault happened.

Police Chief Tom Dorner says he will take the case to the district attorney Monday or Tuesday to consider charges.

Packers spokesman Jeff Blumb said in a statement that team officials "are aware of the reported incident and still are gathering facts."

Police cleared all the players except the one accused. They said the cleared players are backup quarterback Matt Flynn, safety Khalil Jones, guard Josh Sitton, fullback Korey Hall, and linebackers Brad Jones and Clay Matthews

If you don't have the name of the player who is accused, why even mention the story at all? Wait until you have all the facts, and then report them!

Just one more example of irresponsbile journalism.

Joe's Crab Shack (Commercial)

It's a brief commercial - 30 seconds, which I see during Law and Order, and have just seen it now, at 9.15 am on a Sunday on Channel TNT.

Three women - one black, one white, one Latino, each provacatively saying, "I'm doing....__________"

Then an old bald out of shape buy is shown saying "I"m doing all three." the clear implication being he's "doing" all three women.

Then the camera pulls back and of course what they're "doing" is eating the food at Joe's Crab Shack.

So yet another commercial using sexual innuendo to try to sell something.

It's nothing new, of course. And it's so pervasive that I suppose most adults who see it are immured to it by now. But teens? Just reinforces the stereotypes.

I was banned from yesterday. That's actually nothing new, they've banned me about six times now. And they never say why. That's what annoys me, and that's why I always create a new screen name and return.

So, a couple of days ago, somebody upset with Helen Thomas (a White House correspondent who is extremely old, who recently made deragatory remarks against Israel) called her a bitch, saying she had her uterus pulled over her head, etc. =

I pointed out - as I have pointed out on many occasions there, that I found this offensive. Disparage what she said all you like, but why attack her as a woman? Both LIberals and Republicans post on these message boards, and whenever they attack a male whom they don't like, they don't call them bastards, or refer to them dismissively because they are men. But with female polictians and reporters, happens all the time..... when they're not - like every adolescent on a sports board, saying, "I'd still "do" her."

I decided to take the bull by the horns this time and post in the Talk to the Moderator section about this. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of not posting a link to the specific post I was talking about, but I daresay it would have made no difference.

My post title was, "Racism Not Allowed, Sexism Okay?" Because of course you can't say the "n-word" on those boards, or say anything that the moderators might think is offensive to blacks. And there are certain names for Latinos and Hispanics that they are not allowed to use, although the mods do allow debate on the Illegals question (because most of htem are all for clamping down on it. As am I, come to that.)

Point being, I said that there was a double standard. Male politicians were not insulted in the same way female politiicans were.

The moderator came back with this comment. I paraphrase: "These are discussion boards and sometimes things are said that other people find offensive. Those who are easily offended should perhaps find a knitting forum."

In other words, a dismissive slap at me for being a woman. Ah, go sit with your knitting.

Then another moderator chimed in. A woman. Said, and again I paraphrase, "If you want equality [that is word for word] you can't be offended in stuff like this. After all women are more vicious about this than men. [And that's true enough.]

But that wasn't the point. Sure, in the wide world, men and women excoriate women politicians on a regular basis.

But this was the discussion forums, where civility was supposed to prevail (not that it always does).

Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of responding to these things immediately, instead of waiting a couple of hours. And invariably, after a couple of hours I've thought of exactly what I should say to make my case. But it's too late then.

In any event, I pointed out immediately that I didn't appreciate the dismissive knitting joke, and I stated that if it was okay to give offense to people and they wouldn't be able to go whining to the moderators to get me kicked off, that it would just be mano a mano between us, that was fine.

The moderator took offense at that for "attacking the members" and banned me. Hey, I was a member too!

In any event, after a week or so I'll re-sign on.

But of course this is systemic in the western world. Oh, don't misunderstand me. As a woman I have a 1,000% better life in the US than any woman in an Eastern country.

And I'm not one of those who thinks women should be allowed into all male clubs, such as that golf club debacle of a few years ago. Frankly, I thought the time the President of NOW spent on that particular cause could have been better spent fighting against the pervasive sexualization of TV commercials.

But what I find interesting is that the contempt of women is all-pervasive as well. Rush Limbaugh, with whom I agree on several counts, is still a male chauvanist pig, famous for saying, "The feminist movement was created to allow ugly women access to the mainstream of society." [Because, of course, Limbaugh himself is no prize, physically. But he sure does marry a lot of gorgeous women. Well, for that matter, and this is a post for a different time, a lot of beautiful women marry "ugly" men..... who are rich.]

As the one moderator at said, "Women are more vicious then men when it comes to insulting other women." Oh - I actually know that quite well. And that's got to change as well.

Why do they do it? I think it's a hold-over from our history. Up until the 1980s - that's about 6000 years of human history - women had no status except if they were married or had a male friend. They couldnt hold jobs, they couldn't own property, etc. If they didn't have a man, they were worthless.

So human nature. (Not female nature). You don't have power over your own life with a husband that you marry - not because you love him but because you have to go get out of your home, etc., is to look at all other women as the enemy, trying to steal your security from you.

You'd have thought this need to look at women in that fashion would have stopped in the 1980s and afterward, when women can stand on their own two feet and take care of themselves, but other forces are still at work to drive them down and persuade them that it's still only the approbation of a male that matters, and now in our more violent society women aren't only even verbally insulting women but they're actually attacking and killing them, too!

Well, the explanation is that we have de-evolved instead of evolved, and I blame mass media for much of that, as you will read in subsequent entries in this blog.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What Will Red Stickers Actually Accomplish?

>>>The red badge of inexperience is part of Kyleigh's Law, which was passed nearly unanimously by the state legislature and signed by then-Gov. Jon Corzine last year. The law is named for a Morris County teenager killed three years ago when the car she was riding in crashed. A new driver was at the wheel.

And exactly how does a red sticker on one's license plate (on a car probably driven by the whole family, not just the kid) stop some over-confident, testosterone fueled teenage boy from drinking, driving drunk and killing himself, or herself, and anyone else in the car?

Such a badge does nothing!

Here's the article:

Red Decal Has N.J. Teens Seeing Red

A New Jersey law requiring young drivers to stick a red decal on their license plates expectedly upset teenagers.

But the ire has crossed generations. Parents, too, are protesting the overhaul of the state's rules for young drivers.

Debbie Minnick, a mother in Hamilton Township, recently took her 16-year-old to the Motor Vehicle Commission for a learner's permit. The clerk told her she needed to buy red decals for her daughter.

Ms. Minnick's response: "When hell freezes over, I'll buy those stickers," she said.

One month after the new law went into effect, many New Jersey parents are refusing to abide. As of May 1, small red decals must adorn the license plates of cars driven by new drivers under 21.

New Jersey's Motor Vehicle Commission says 250,000 drivers are subject to the law. As of last week, it had sold just over 105,000 sets of the decals.

The red badge of inexperience is part of Kyleigh's Law, which was passed nearly unanimously by the state legislature and signed by then-Gov. Jon Corzine last year. The law is named for a Morris County teenager killed three years ago when the car she was riding in crashed. A new driver was at the wheel.

Gregory Gottlieb, a junior at Atlantic City High School, isn't putting the decals on his car. His parents are supporting his decision, he said.

"It's scary, especially for parents who disagree with it," Mr. Gottlieb said. He co-founded a Facebook group opposing that law that now has more than 30,000 members.

"If any group of drivers should be identifiable, it should be convicted sex offenders, not their prey," Mr. Gottlieb wrote last year in an op-ed in his local paper, the Press of Atlantic City.

Most of the law's provisions—restrictions on teenage driving at night, how many people can be in the car, a ban on hands-free cellphones—aren't as controversial.

The decal—the first of its kind in the nation—is meant to give police a way to enforce restrictions on young drivers.

Backers argue that if police can't tell who is or isn't subject to special rules like limits on the number of passengers in the car, they can't enforce those limits. Teens caught without the decals face a $100 fine.

Ms. Minnick said she's willing to pay the $100 fine if her daughter, Amber, is caught. Amber said many students at Hamilton West High School, where she's a sophomore, ignored the messages from police officers when the law went into effect reminding them to get decals.

"Why don't we just put a bull's-eye on our car?" the younger Ms. Minnick said. "I'm not putting that on my car. I don't feel safe."

That response has prompted some state lawmakers to introduce legislation to repeal the decal requirement. Some just want to get rid of the decals. Another seeks to require young drivers to register the cars they'll be driving with the Motor Vehicle Commission, so police can check the license-plate number of someone they suspect to be violating restrictions on young drivers before they pull that person over.

Backers of the decal rule say they're surprised by the angry responses.

"I'm confused because our teenagers today are the most visible group of teens ever," said Pamela Fischer, the director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety and chairwoman of the study group that proposed the decals. She pointed to teenagers using social networking services like Twitter and Facebook to broadcast their activities.

"Any nasty person could sit in any mall or any parking lot and see teenagers," she said.

Joseph Irace, the president of the Oceanport Borough Council, said he and his wife argued about whether their 16-year-old daughter—who still has her learner's permit and can't drive without an adult in the car—should display the red decals. Eventually, they decided she should.

"Our concern is you can't pick and choose which laws you follow," Mr. Irace said.

But once Mr. Irace's daughter starts driving alone, the family plans to reconsider their decision.

Like most modern activists, New Jersey teens have taken to Facebook to organize their opposition. There are groups in which thousands of teenagers pledge not to follow the law. There are groups of parents against the decals. And there's a page with 1,200 supporters that proposes a new game: stealing the decals from license plates. Mr. Gottlieb said that's not something he supports, but said he has seen his friends do it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

If you lied, don't say you mispoke

Every time - every time - a politician lies about having an affair or about falsifying his service record or what have you, he or she never says, "I lied," he or she always says, "I mispoke."

Everyone knows they were lying, but because they use the euphemism, they're allowed to get away with it.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who "mispeaks" about their service record, their cheating ways, or their sexual orientation should be kicked out of office and never allowed to hold another post. (I'm not saying gays should be kicked out of office. I'm saying gays who claim to be straight, and who put down other gays, deserve to be kicked out summarily.)

Kirk apologizes for misstating military record

CHICAGO – Senate candidate Mark Kirk apologized Thursday for making inaccurate statements about his service in the Navy Reserves, while acknowledging more discrepancies.

"I apologize to everyone for these errors," the Illinois Republican said. "They were my responsibility entirely and I will fix them."

The five-time U.S. representative, who is competing with Democrat Alexi Giannoulias for the Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama, also acknowledged new incidents where public statements didn't match reality about his service.

Kirk said a letter sent by his congressional district office last year described him as a veteran of Operation Desert Storm, the first Persian Gulf war, but he did not participate in that operation.

Kirk later flew over Iraq for intelligence reconnaissance missions in 2000. He said Thursday he does not recall coming under enemy fire on those flights and added it was sometimes hard to tell whether his plane was being targeted.

But C-SPAN video shows Kirk on the House floor saying he was fired upon.

"The last time I was in Iraq I was in uniform flying at 20,000 feet, and the Iraqi air defense network was shooting at us," Kirk said in the undated video, which was posted online by the Giannoulias campaign.

Kirk also said last year that he once saw anti-aircraft flack when flying an intelligence mission over Kosovo and thought he might be killed.

The Kirk campaign did not respond Thursday night to requests for clarification on those incidents.

The furor over Kirk's military record took off last week when he acknowledged that, contrary to his many statements over the years, he hadn't won the Navy's award for intelligence officer of the year.

Amid media inquiries to the Navy, Kirk corrected his resume to show he actually received a different award, one that went to his unit instead of him personally.

Kirk also has said that when he's on active duty, he commands the Pentagon war room, which is an exaggeration of his intelligence duties there. And until 2005 he sometimes said he served "in" Operation Iraqi Freedom, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, although his duties at the time were entirely stateside.

Politicians' military records are under particularly intense scrutiny after the recent revelation that a Senate candidate in Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal, had sometimes told audiences he served in the Vietnam War. Actually, he was in the Marine Reserves and never left the United States.

Kirk initially played down the significance of the incorrect information about his own record, and criticized Giannoulias for raising the issue. He accused Giannoulias, the Illinois treasurer, of denigrating his military service.

But as more errors come to light, Kirk is changing his tone. His campaign released his military fitness reports Thursday so the public can see what his commanding officers have said about his performance.

In them, he is portrayed in glowing terms for his work as an intelligence officer, including for stints in Italy and Turkey.

In one report, Kirk is praised for his "unmatched managerial and planning skills," while another recognizes his "phenomenal performance." Another says he's "head and shoulders above any other intelligence officer" the reviewer had ever met.

"I think going forward I have to be humble about my military record," Kirk said earlier Thursday. "I have to understate it and I have to own up to any errors that I created. I do not want to create the impression of adding to the record."

What is this "I have to understate it" stuff?

The man flat out lied, and he refuses to admit it. In addition, he "played down the significance of the incorrect information about his own record, and criticized Giannoulias for raising the issue. He accused Giannoulias, the Illinois treasurer, of denigrating his military service."

Sounds like there was a lot to denigrate.

If this man ever wins another election, it will be a tragedy.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Klondike Bar (commercial)

I've seen this commercial a few times in the last couple of weeks.

Some wimpy white guy, who looks like he's in his 40s, is in a gym and waves over a big fat white guy in a brown leotard, and presses against him. Then with his eyes he sends an indication, and another big fat white guy in a brown leotard presses against him, so he's sandwiched. The advertising line: What wouldn't you do for a Klondike bar?

Apparently the message of this commercial is its perfectly all right to make a total idiot of yourself if it gives you something nice in return.

As for subliminal messages... obviously the white guy in the middle should be sandwiched by two black guys if he's supposed to be an accurate imitation of a Klondike bar (vanilla icecream sandwiched between two choclate cookies). As it is, there are two white guys in brown leotards, which doesn't make any sense.

Secondly of course is the fact that none of these people is physically attractive, presumably because Klondike didn't want to be accused of making a homoerotic commercial. And I must say they succeeded in that. It's not homoerotic, it's not even erotic, it's just.... stupid.

(I just went to YouTube to see if this commercial was on offer there, and its not. But a lot of Klondike bar commercials are there, and they all have the same theme, people doing stupid or humiliating things to be rewarded with a Klondike bar. Just sad.)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Harry Potter Dangerous? Probably Not. Twilight?

Here's a very disturbing news article.....

(I doubt if kids who read Harry Potter books actually believe magic can work - and they learn the values of friendship and loyalty. Kids who watch such crap as Twilight, where a girl wants to become a vampire so she can be with her boyfriend always...not so much so.)

Wear Wolf

PACKS of teenagers are going to school as WEREWOLVES in the latest craze to hit America.

The kids wear yellow contact lenses and fangs - and even have fake furry tails attached to their jeans.

Bemused headteacher Bill Hill said: "They walk down the hallways swishing their tails. It's a bit different from the school gangs of my youth - but they don't seem troublesome."

Wolfman ... Del Toro
The cult is thought to have been sparked off by movies like Twilight and The Wolfman, starring Benicio Del Toro.

Education chiefs in Texas report that teen "wolf packs" - each usually made up of around 20 pupils - now exist in scores of schools across the state.

Deikitsen "Lupus" Manley, 15, who claims to be pack leader at Brandeis High School in San Antonio, said: "Human wolves have been around a lot longer than characters in Twilight.

It gives us a sense of belonging. You gain friends and you belong and indulge your wild side." Another "wolf" named Argus said: "We're not to be feared."

Deikitsen's mum Pam said: "As soon as he walks in the door, he is supposed to take out the fangs, and lose the lenses and tail. They're good kids. It takes courage to stand up and be who you want to be."

But the movement was hit by controversy recently after a follower calling herself Wolfie Blackheart cut off a dog's head and posted pictures on the net of her boiling it.

The 23-year-old told cops it was dead when she found it, adding: "I would never kill a canine. I am a canine." [Then why boil its head, you sicko?]