Friday, May 11, 2012

Times Magazine's Breast Feeding Cover

The cover isn't "devolving" in itself, but the article is interesting. Apparently there are some mothers who will go on breast feeding their children - at least, their sons - until they are four or five, long past the time when they are capable of holding a spoon to eat solid food and holding a sippy cup to drink liquids.

What does this tell these three year old boys, who already think they are the lords of creation and that their mother exists only to service them? Pretty much that that's how they should look at all women - as creatures to provide them with sensual gratification, and no need to concern yourself about them as human beings at all - no need to pay attention to their feelings - it's nagging and it's alright to ignore it!

Sad state of affairs when there are women who will actually buy into this claptrap, just as there have been women since the dawn of time who keep their sons tied to their apron strings.

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