Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jenny Craig commercial

Just saw a Jenny Craig commercial... I was switching channels so I don't know what channel it was on...

Some young female singer... her face was familiar but I couldn't tell you her name if my life depended on it ...not Brittany Spears but someone of that ilk...

She wore a black strip of cloth around her breasts -easy to do because she had no breasts, and a black Tarzan-like loincloth around her hips. She had a good body, I'll give her that, flat stomach, small breasts.

Now, this is a weight-loss program. And apparently according to Jenny Craig, the only reason to lose weight is so you'll be attractive to men.

So this teenager is standing there with one hip cocked...and occasionally her upper torso cocked to show off those breasts, and she's singing and running her fingers through her hair and looking, to me, like she's one step away from getting onto a pole and doing some gyrations.

As usual, women and sex are interlinked. There's no other reason for women except to have sex with guys, or provide eye candy to guys. Is it any wonder than that we have this epidemic of young girls having kids out of wedlock - when they're taught since day one that the only reason they're on this planet is to, again, be the eye candy for guys? When they are taught from the time they enter school that they must be attractive to boys, they must have a boyfriend at an early age and of course having a boyfriend means you give him sex. And then of course, the boy leaves to go on to less-pregnant pastures, leaving the girl behind with a child and a welfare check.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Regular blog postings begin on DECEMBER 26, Monday.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

GoDaddy Commercial

I'm watching the Sunday Night Football game on NBC. Just saw a GoDaddy Commercial.

GoDaddy has done a number of sexually suggestive commercials. There were a couple of commercials with race car driver Danica Patrick, in which she's speeding along some road, is pulled over by a cop, unzips to show a bit of decolletage while she waits for what she assumes to be a male policeman...only it's a female policeman with jackboots and bosoms and apparently a taste for women.

Commercial ends and you're instructed to go to the website to see the rest of the content.

Now we've got one in which some nerdy white guy wearing a bow tie is the "ringmaster" for about 12 women, dressed in form fitting black tights and spaghetti-strapped, tight fitting shirts, each one with "Largest" or "Mainframe" or some other computer reference printed across her bosom.

As the male individual walks among them, they turn from their sideon pose to face front, smiling at this nerdy white guy as if his any wish is their command. At the very end, we see each one reaching up to peel off their shirts, camera focuses on a flat belly.... and then... the URL saying, go here to see what happens next.

Talk about demeaning to women. And what the hell does it have to do with domain names??

Sure would be interesting to see how many hits that URL gets after each commercial...sad but true to say I bet its in the millions.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Buy XXX>com (Commercial)

I've seen a few of these commercials. Some white, middle aged nerdy guy going around interviewing people. In one of them, he is interviewing a Scottish sheep herder.

From what we are to infer...the Scotsman regularly has sex with this sheep, as he had regularly had sex with the sheep's mother.

In other words, bestiality.

It's one thing to have sex with a consenting adult and do what you want between the two of you... but to rape an animal - and any sex with an animal is rape because they aren't capable of consenting, and because they are know... different species entirely - that is just sick.

And to make a joke of it, even to sell an xxx domain name. Disgusting.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Smurfs - movie and commercial

The full-screen ad above showed up whenever I pulled up my Yahoo mail a couple of days ago.

Take a look at it. 3 male smurfs, standing proud and... just there. And the female smurf? One hand primping her hair, her body canted to show off a hip...this is a kid's movie and she's standing in a seductive pose.

Of course the smurfs have always been suspect in that regard. I can remember this show as a teenager, I think. I never watched it, but that was part of the humor, when people would make fun of the show, all these male smurfs, and only one female smurf ever to be seen - what was up with that?

(Well, of course, it's because males, of any species, always have fun, whereas females of any species, are only interested in makeup and looking pretty and attracting someone to have sex with - they never want to run and jump and play!)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

State Farm Insurance commercial

There are a series of State Farm commercials featuring a man who keeps having accidents with his car, but who switched from State Farm to one of those "All it takes is 15 minutes to sign up" guys. Yet it takes them more than 15 minutes to get back to him.

SO he calls up Jessica and asks stupid questions in a whiny voice.

Well, at least the accident prone driver isn't a woman. That would be a cliche. But instead we've got an effete, balding, whiny white guy.

The commercials are meant to be humorous - he drives his car up a light pole, through the side of a brick building, and so on.

But you have to wonder...why didn't he switch back to State Farm after his first accident? Because there are at least 3 different commercials featuring this guy.

And if this guy keeps having accidents, the premiums for everyone goes up... or his premium skyrockets....oh, there's all kinds of problems with these commercials.

But then, like most commercials, I guess we aren't supposed to analyze them, just laugh at the dweeby balding guy for being such a loser. (All bald is cool...balding is dweeby.)