Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cop Shows That Show Armed Mano a Mano Stand offs

Just turned on an episode of CSI Miami from a couple of years ago, in which Horatio and a few uniformed police officers come to the boat of a police officer suspected of being "dirty."

Horatio stands out front, talking to the guy, the cops behind him.

The man pulls a gun and points it at Horatio.

"Gun!" the cops cry, and all point their weapons at the man... but don't fire.

And I'm like... in what universe is this happening? A man pulls a gun, the cops start shooting immediately - there is no dialog. The man is dead with 40 bullets shot at him (1 or 2 of which having found their mark).

Movies do it to, two cops or bad guys holding guns in each others faces, shouting at each other - never happen. First person who pulls a gun is going to shoot it..especially if the second person pulls a gun right after!

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