Sunday, October 16, 2011

60 Minutes of Play - commercial

This isn't really "devolution media" per se. The NFL has partnered with Michele Obama's program to help reduce obesity, and we're getting commercials where NFL players are jogging along with little kids, exercising, etc.

Here's my problem.

Obesity may ba *a* problem in the USA today, but it is nowhere near are biggeset problem.

Where are the commercials encouraging kids to READ an hour a day? To study their homework an hour a day? To work hard in school, to stay in school, etc.

50% of US citizens do not pay Federal taxes - because they don't have jobs. Leave out the newly unemployed, there are hundreds of thousands of young teenagers - mostly minorities - who can't get jobs because they don't have the education, they haven't been taught any kind of a work effort - to go to work at a fast food restaurant and put up with that.... they aren't going to get jobs unless they get an education - and it is up to THEM to get that education.

But we see no commercials encouraging kids to do that - or to not get pregnant at age 15 or 16.... oh, all kinds of things that deeserve more commercial time than "play 60 minutes a day."

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