Monday, December 13, 2010

Burger King commercial, 2 chicken sandwiches for the price of one

I've seen this a few times, most recently on Monday Night Football on ESPN, Texans vs Ravens.

A black guy is dancing with a black woman. Except, there's a black guy behind him, holding two chicken sandwiches, one in each hand.

The woman starts to protest, and the guy holds up his finger to her lips (how condescending!) and tells her to just go with the flow.

Coincidently, my dad is chanel surfing and we just saw a few seconds of the Sean Hannity show, where he was talking at Imogen Lloyd Webber, a British political commentator. We came in just as Hannity smirks at her and says, "Calm down. Take a breath." in a very condescending way.

They were talking about health insurance, and just like O'Reilly, Hannity doesn't seem to give his guests a chance to talk before he over-rides them to give his own opinions. Annoying.

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