Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Hear what you want" commercial for headphones by Dre Studio wireless

I'm sure you've seen commercials featuring Kevin Garnett, Colin Kaepernick, and Le Bron James.

Each guy is shown sitting on a bus, while outside maniacal people - white, of course - with twisted, hate-filled faces are shouting at them... but each guy is listening to his music and is bothered not at all to be surrounded by people who look like they'd like to beat each man to a pulp. (And, for the Kaepernick one at least, they are actually throwing stuff at the bus and breaking windows.)

One of the commenters on the Keapernick video said, "It's just a commercial. Fans don't throw eggs at buses."

Well, gee, kids didn't stop reading books, jump up and play for 30 minutes, before returning to their books (I'm being ironic about the book -TV or computer game is more like it) until they started seeing commercials that encouraged them...not to read and do well in school, but to get up and run around and play for 30 minutes.

Monkey see, monkey do is the premise of commercials - and an accurate one.

How many idiots seeing these commercials are going to buy these headphones and start wearing them to school so they don't have to listen to their teachers. (Or is that already happening?)

How many people who really need to hear and learn from criticism (Mathew Stafford rejecting any need for a quarterback coach, for example) are going to think, "Yeah, these guys are "da bomb." If they don't have to listen to people telling them what they do wrong, why should I have to listen to anyone either.

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