Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sprint (commercial)

Watching the Vikings and the New Orleans Saints, Channel 10, (not sure what the National station is - the Peacock? ABC?

Anyway, I've seen this commercial before and hate it. But it's typical of today's commercials, in which total jerks do whatever they want, and don't realize that they're being jerks to other people.

An old, white doctor is sitting in a chair texting and ignoring his patient, a black athlete lying on a table with his knee wrapped up. The athlete has received a text from the doctor telling him he's out for the season. The doctor is oblivious to the athlete's anxiety, "Don't worry, I have unlimited texting, I'm dropping you from my fantasy team," etc.

This is bad on so many levels. There's the racial aspect - white doctor treating black athlete like a piece of meat, not caring about his feelings. Then, there's the sheer coldness of the doctor (Obama health plan - doctors are so greedy, we need to cut them down to size) to his patient.

Just an unpleasant commercial. Kids of course will see themselves in it, adults hopefully have learned a bit of compassion and will also find it distasteful.


  1. Calm down its a commercial and a joke its not racist at all. Honestly u sound racist by saying oh white doctor black man its racist. You need to learn how not to take everything so seriously.

  2. I wanna know who the athlete is. Anybody know?
