Sunday, September 30, 2012

"California Woman Shot by Border PAtrol Agent" is the headline

The truth?

The woman was apparently trying to run the guy down.

Why wasn't the headline: Border Agent Kills Female Attacker?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Geico and Eddie Money

My goodness what has happened to Eddie Money?

He's in a Geico commercial, where he runs a travel agency and sings "two tickets to Paradise" while a male and female couple try to get him to talk sense.

 And he looks just awful...he doesn't look like Eddie Money, that's for sure. Face lift? And his voice...barely undertandable.

This is what drugs will do to you, I guess.

Friday, September 21, 2012

New episode of CSI: NY

Not devolution so much as stupidity...although admittedly I've got the sound down

Killer's a woman...they're chasing her...they're in a parking lot full of school buses. They're looking for her in between the school buses, meantime she's jumping from roof to roof.

Are you telling me they can't hear that????

There's a helicopter above them...but I doubt if a police helicopter gets so low that the sound of its rotors whirring would drown out the booted sounds of a woman jumping from one bus room to another...and you'd think one of the cops would have a radio so the helicopter pilot could tell them where the woman was!

Meantime, Mac has been shot and is dying, so he's talking to - and hugging - all his co-stars... yet a teaser for next week showed Gary Sinise's face, so he must survive.

And Carmine what's-his-name is getting old and gaunt!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Posts resume 24 Sep 2012

I have to take my mom up to visit her elder sister in Box Elder which is near Rapid City. They have no internet up there.

Posts resume 24 Sep 2012.

Thanks for your patience!

Read more here:

Friday, September 14, 2012 News

When I pull up, News, I get a whole page full of what I used to expect would be... News.

But it really isn't. They combine a few news articles with gossip columns and opinion pieces, and because its displayed under the imprimature of Google News, people are more inclined to give it credence.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Memory is the first thing to go...

Quite a few "devolution media" items to talk about... but although I saw them and noted them in my memory at the time...I can't remember what they are now.

Note to self - write this stuff down!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The latest Bones episode

I missed about half of it.

But apparently the highly respected and disciplined Cam - who has always been degraded into a know-nothing parent who doesn't know how to talk to her adopted daughter about drugs and sex - made a B-movie during college. didn't look like it was an X-rated movie where she'd bared all, but rather a Roger Corman type of schlock movie, in which she'd been the star.

But Angela and Hotchkins track down a copy of it, and Cam sees it, and instead of taking charge and saying, "Okay, give it to me," like her character should do and would do if they weren't playing it for labs, she acts all kerfluffled and embarrassed.  Yes, it was funny, but it was out of character - and diminished her character.

Latest Sprint Commercial...

Well...I *think* it was a Sprint commericial.

Dumb old dad - I had the sound down, all I could see were the expressions on people's faces - was apparently trying to get his family to bundle services together.

Mom is standing behind the butcher block counter in the kitchen, shaking her head at his stupidity.

Two teen-age kids, one male, one female, kept on looking at dad like he was an idiot.

Not the kind of commercial kids today need to see when they already think they know more than their parents.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jack Links Beef Jerky Commercials

Jack Links Beef Jerky has a series of commercials where a group of snotty young white guys taunt a Big Foot, who inevitably gets his revenge.

The latest one, that I've just seen, has a bunch of white guys waving green flourescent light sticks to attract a Big Foot.

A girl ducks into a port-a-potty, the last one of three in a row.

A girl runs past a group of white guys standing around wasting their time, and hides in a port-a-potty.

But then the Big Foot or Sasquatch comes into the area, picks up the teenager, and throws the teen into one of the port-a-potties, such that they all fall over and the last door opens, revealing the girl presumably covered in urine or worse.

Apparently this is supposed to be funny.

Even if I liked beef jerky, which I don't, I wouldn't buy this crap. Indeed, I'd stop buying it if I did buy it!

That Arby's commercial

More people than I must have complained about that Arby's commercial that showed a guy walking along - going underneath a ladder, deliberately spilling someone's salt, then grabbing an umbrella, opening it indoors, then going outdoors to deliberately break two mirrors in front of an antique shop.

Now, the commercial ends with him inside the antique shop, just opening up an umbrella. Yet still, despite allt his bad luck, winning something from Arby's.

I'm glad the commercial was changed, but I always wonder...why did it happen in the first place? What bright bulb thought it would be okay to show someone, in a commercial for a wholesome product like Arby's, deliberately go and destroy someone else's property?