Thursday, August 16, 2012

Every store that sells clothes - commercials

It's almost time for kids to go back to of course stores like Walmart, K-Mart...and something called Payless I think...are hawking their wares.

And they all seem to have the same kind of commercials - little kids dressed in clothing, walking down a runway as if they were models. The girls are always swishing their hips and trying to act sexy - and these are little kids 10, 12 - and the boys, of the same age, strutting down the runway as if they were the lords of creation.

I don't care so much about the boys - boys always think they are the lords of creation - but do 12 year old girls really need to be strutting around looking sexy, reinforcing the paradigm that that's what their on this earth for - to be eye candy to boys?

Not that girls are totally innocent - many's the boy just trying to get along, til a clique of girls start teasing him. A girl wants to date him, he says no, she spreads rumors about his sexuality...

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