Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Whole Zombie Meme

This doesn't really have anything to do with the media per se, but it is just such a sick story that I thought I'd share it.

Whatever you think of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin - or indeed of any politician, is it really necessary to stage a demonstration against him when he is honoring Special Olympics athletes? Athletes who are getting one of their very few days in the sun and who will doubtless not understand why there are people dressed as very ugly individuals in front of them?

It's on a par with those idiots who stage anti-gay demonstrations in front of the funerals of dead soldiers and their grieving relatives.

(As my Kindle subscribers can't see the video, I'll describe it. As Scott Walker is introduced, and as all the Special Olympians in the audience expand their chest with pride, about 10 individuals dressed as Zombies come in and stand right in front of them, facing them, blocking their view of the governor.

With zombie makeup on their faces, I wonder what these Special Olympians thought was it effected their special day?

Youtube video:

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