Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Immigrants and Illegal Immigrants are not the same

For more than a decade, the "mainstream media" has worked to blur the line between legal immigrants, and illegal aliens (not immigrants).

Republicans are painted with a broad brush as being against immigration, when what they are against is illegal aliens pouring over our borders, taking American jobs, and getting American welfare after day one.

(And of course it can't all be blamed on the illegals. Because of welfare, Americans will not do certain jobs. As the President of Mexico said some months ago, illegal aliens do jobs that "even black people won't do." There are American businesses that want to pay very low wages, and illegals will take those jobs. Meantime, Americans have no intention of working for such low wages, nor do they need to, since welfare pays them just fine, thank you.)

Anyway, the headline frm 9News.com says it all. "McCain under fire for blaming blazes on immigrants." The body of the article gets it right - he's talking about illegals.
"It's his constant refrain for everything that ails mankind," said Roberto Reveles, the founding president and a current member of the Phoenix-based Hispanic civil rights group Somos America. "It just seems like we have an epidemic of, `Blame it all on the illegal aliens, blame it all on the Mexicans.' It's amazing that the public doesn't rebel against this type of scapegoating."

The Hispanic and Latino communities are divided - though I dont' know what the proportion is, admittedly. There are those who want to continue to let illegals pour in because the more illegals here, the more chance for amnesty, and all of a sudden they're a power voting block and can get what they want.

Then there are those Hispanics and Latinos who know full well that the reason that they - actual citizens and legal immigrants - don't get any respect is because of all the illegals that have poured in, so that percentage wise, when you see Hispanics or Latinos on the street - one or more of them is going to be an illegal.

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