Friday, March 4, 2011

Premarital sex - a right?

A star basketball player at BYU (Brigham Young) has been suspended for the rest of the season...not for doing drugs or stealing laptops, but for having pre-marital sex.

Every athlete (and student, presumably) who goes to BYU signs an honor code - and one of the things they promise is to not have premarital sex.

This baskeball player did have premarital sex (no word on whether or not he used a condom or other birth control device) and so he was suspended.

That's BYUs right.

But if you read the sports message boards, and indeed, practically any message board that references this story, it's BYU that's getting excoriated.

How dare they make college students abstain from sex! Don't they know that that's all men and women go to college for - to drink and have sex? How dare they try to prevent young men from ruining the rest of their lives by having sex with some woman, who will then get pregnant, so that the man will then have to pay child support for the rest of his life!

As an atheist, I don't view this as a "Morals" issue, with God in the bible telling people not to have sex til after they're married. (The things Gods' "chosen" got up to in the bible...ha!)

I look at it strictly from the point of view of my pocketbook.

Common sense tells you that a 13, 14, or 15 year old girl who has a baby out of wedlock is not going to be able to take care that baby. Won't be able to teach it manners, ethics or morals, certainly won't be able to feed it without government help - my tax dollar help. And that just ain't right.

In addition there's the fact that there's too many people in the world already. I'd much rather see a couple of lions and a herd of gazelle or what have you, on a gigantic plot of land, then see that land covered over with shacks and human beings living in utter squalor.

Or for that matter, wealthy kids here in the US sitting in their parent's sumptuous McMansions, getting high on drugs. They are just as worthless, and with less excuse.

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