Monday, January 24, 2011

Yesterday, both football games were on - for those who, like myself, live in a city where even though we get satellite tv and a million channels, we don't get local channels!

SO I had to keep track of the game via Gametracker, which gives play by play news of what's going on, and allows people who are members of the site to post comments as the game is in progress. (And its funny..I was watching those comments whirl across my screen and they were going so fast you couldn't read them. I'd bet a million dollars that no one ever reads those comments. People want to comment, but they're commenting into a void. (Except for me, of course. At least I try to read them - and mostly all they are are young men calling players by slighting nicknames (Girlacher) that you know they wouldn't have the guts to say to a 6 ft 6 guy to his face.

Anyway, Jay Cutler of the Bears played one series in the second half and then came out of the game, never to be seen again. 3rd string backup Caleb Hainie came in and eventually got 2 scores (though he unfortunately threw 2 interceptions as well that sealed the deal for the Packers.)

ANyway, as soon as Cutler came out of the game and looked to be out for good, people on Twitter just went into a frenzy. Football players, past and current, apparently, were ripping him in 140 characters or less.

Which I never would have known about, since I dont subscribe to any of their feeds on Twitter. But actually collected all of these Tweets and collected them into an article for everyone to read.

And now of course today it turns out that Cutler really was injured, he hadn't just given up on his team.

So now CBS - or at least its bloggers - are chiding everyone for their jump-to-conclusions yesterday, ignoring the fact that they themselves contributed to this trashing of Cutler by placing such trashings prominently on their website for all to see. isn't a news site, it's a gossip site with news snippets.

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