Friday, May 28, 2010

Law and Order: SVU (TV program)

The Law and Order franchise was created by Dick Wolf, who is definitely a Democrat. In all of his franchises, "shots" against the Bush admnistration were taken. In one episode the prosecutor - I think it was Jack McCoy but it may have been his replacement - made some kind of crack about violent people being stirred to violence by "people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly."

But the episode that really frosted my buttons took place on Law and Order; SVU. The episode is from 2007. It's called "Harm".
A New York psychiatrist goes on trial after her torture methods are cited in the death of a former Iraqi prisoner
Everyone is so outraged that she used torture in order to get information from prisoners. In one scene, she asks the male cop, Elliot Stabler, if he ever used violence to get a witness to tell him what he needed to know. Stabler says self-righteously, "Lots of times, but it always proved counter-productive.")

What makes his comment, and this episode, so hypocritical, is that he uses violence against prisoners all the time. When he's looking for a child who has been kidnapped, or trying to learn why someone could murder a harmless child, he's always using a little force.

(Having said that, I have no problem against torturing suspected terrorists (and yes, waterboarding is torture), the problem is I really doubt the competence of the people kidnapping these suspected terrorists. I used to think the US government anti-terrorists folks would be professional, like the IMF force (the original, not those abominable movies) but the more you learn about the sheer incompetence from the President on down (up to and including Obama, but every Pres has his faults and our system of goverment needs an overhaul) the more you wonder if innocent folks weren't kidnapped as well.)

In other Devolution news:
Mariska Hargitay, who is married to actor Peter Hermann and who has one child, was interviwed by a Devolution Media master, the New York Post, about returning to SVU for another season. When asked what she'd like to have happen to her character in that season:
PW: Looking ahead, what would you like for Detective Olivia Benson in season 12?
Mariska: A boyfriend! A baby! I don’t even have to get married. I just want a baby! Give me a baby!

Isn't that wonderful? In the country today 70% of African American children are born to single parents, and of those, 70% live in poverty. (It's like, you know, common sense. If you have a baby when you're 15 and dont' finish school, there is no job you'll be able to get that will get you above the poverty level. If you have a husband, or at least a live in mate, chances are you'll live better. Unless the man is a jerk who beats you, in which case why were you having sex with him to begin with?) Latino women are next on the list, for giving birth to illegitmate children. Caucasian women were the lowest percentage on the list...but that percentage is growing.

So, what do we have? We have a role-model - for Olivia Benson is a role model for girls - who wants to have a baby without getting married. At least she specified that she wants a boyfriend, which presumably means she doesn't want the relationship to be a one-night stsand.

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