Sunday, December 30, 2012

Football "look at me!" continues

I'm watching the Colts-Texans game, but they just showed a 30 second clip of some white guy scoring a touchdown for the Detroit Lions. One of his teammates rushes over to congratulate him, and this idiot puts out a hand to stop him. Teammate again attempts to congratulate him, guy again tells him to back off.

Then he does some weird "shivering all over" while holding one arm extended move which just made it clear that whoever this guy is, he ain't got no rhythm, then, after that very important "look at me demonstrate how classless I am" celebration, he finally allows him teammates to congratulate him.

What an idiot!

And I see by checking at that it was some nimnul named Will Heller. Heller, you're an idiot.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Some liquor commercial...Bacardi

I've blogged about this commercial before... some large fat guy wearing a very small swimsuit struts along a beach carrying his bacardi and soda or whatever he's got. The tagline: " Be comfortable."

There's a new one now, where he's just standing around with his glass. We dont' see what he's looking at, but he's doubtless ogling all the stick-thin women on the beach who wouldn't actually give him the time of day although he doubtless thinks they're all looking at him in admiration rather than astonishment....

Is it done this way because men consume hard liquor more than women do...or because "being comfortable" doesn't extend to women who should all be skeletal and not, at the very least, comfortably plump.

Gummiebear/ Gummibar

Some abomination on channel 68, KWGN or some other alphabet soup - I'm thinking its NPR, the public channel.

Main character is a green bear - wearing underwear. His sidekicks are fully clothed, including the obligatory long-legged sexy female cat, but he is wearing Y=fronts. And when he is shown from the back, we see his buttcrack.

Why? What is this telling kids? It's okay to run around in your underwear with your buttcrack showing as long as everyone else is fully dressed? Running around in your Yfronts is funny? What?

I guess we must be thankful that they don't have the female character running around in bra and panties.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New posting schedule

Now that I've got this new full-time job, I'll be posting in this blog twice a week - on Monday's and Wednesdays.

So the next post for this blog will be on Monday.

Thanks for your patience.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Coarsening of America....

I've blogged about the Doggie Doo game before...but I've just got to do it again. I'm watching the Scooby DOo haunted Christmas show, on the Cartoon channel, and they just showed that commercial, with a mom and her girl and boy playing this game.

And I'm loke...what person in their right mind would want to play a game like this?

It's not quite as bad as a doll for girls that poops and pees so that the girl has to clean it up - would you believe there are dolls like that???? but I'm like... who in the world, child or adult, would think this was fun? What kind of a game is it, to try to create the longest poop coming out of a dog's rear end or whatever.

Just...asinine, revolting....sad.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ted pt 2

I walked into my Walmart yesterday and saw a large display for Ted, the movie which features a 30s something guy and his come-to-life Teddy bear... it's a Christmas display.

How many young kids are going to walk by that thing and ask mommy and daddy, Oh, look, there's a movie about a teddy bear, can we get it.

And mommy and daddy, not keeping up with things, thinks its a movie about a cute little teddy bear and get it...

Imagine their shock when they put it in and this symbol of innocent is acting like  a short, horny man in a bear suit - smoking, drinking, undoubtedly farting, and making simulating sexual movements while running on a treadmill (a scene I saw in a trailer for this piece of crap yesterday.)

Of course teenagers anxious to lose their virginity will probably just love it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ted - the movie

This was an evil movie when it came out, and now it's an evil movie on DVD.

Why evil?

Well, it takes an innocent childhood experience - a boy with his teddy bear - and turns it into a sexually charged fantasy.

And even if you just take it on face value of a man whose childhood teddy bear comes to life...what does the cute little teddy bear do? Act like an 18-year-old male interested in sex to the exclusion of all else, not to mention drinking beer, and I'm sure there were some fart jokes thrown in there as well.

The sad thing is not so much that someone thought this movie was worth making, got green-lighted to make it, and had some actors who were willing to do it... the sad thing is this thing is actually rated 7 and a half stars on the IMDB - after 173,000 votes.

That's sad.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Miller Time commercial

I've seen this commercial a few ties... a few young men are in a restaurant. There's close-ups of someone swabbing someone's face, wringing out a towel, a lot of tense looks... then it turns out all the guy is doing is trying to eat a plate of buffalo wings. He finishes, he leans back as if he's really accomplished something important and then he thrusts his hands into the air like he's a champion.

I laugh at the stupidity of it.

There's no denying that humans are competitive and they'll make a competition out of anything - young men more so than any other population group...

but seeing how many hotdogs or eggs or live minnows you can stuff into your face at any one time? How stupid is that? And to act afterwards as if you've accomplished something important, and are actually "better" then the contestants whom you beat out?

With this commercial, Miller seems to be actually advocating such childish behavior!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

KFC Peace in the Family Deal

I'd actually seen this commercial a couple of times before, but never had the sound up to see what was going on until today.

So two middle aged ladies are talking to each other, while sandwiched in the middle is a bored looking middle aged man. The women aren't talking normally of course, their voices are dubbed into screechy, stereotypical nagging women type voices, although all they're doing is probably talking about some other woman...

The guy reaches into a bucket of KFC, hands each woman a piece of chicken...and ah, blessed silence.

After the KFC spiel about the special they're offering, we have the same scene except its two little boys arguing about something childishly.

Implication - whether it's middle aged women or 6-year old boys, none of 'em say anything worth listening to.

How demeaning to women!